Méthode WSTrustServiceHost.InitializeSecurityTokenManager
Initializes the SecurityTokenManager that will be exposed through the wrapped ServiceHost. By default the method exposes the SecurityTokenHandlers initialized with SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration through the ServiceHost SecurityTokenManager. Note here we will only re-configure the service host when its credentials is not FederatedServiceCredentials, which allows user to manually configure the credentials themselves.
Espace de noms: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust
Assembly : Microsoft.IdentityModel (dans microsoft.identitymodel.dll)
Protected Overridable Sub InitializeSecurityTokenManager
protected virtual void InitializeSecurityTokenManager ()
virtual void InitializeSecurityTokenManager ()
protected void InitializeSecurityTokenManager ()
protected function InitializeSecurityTokenManager ()
Cohérence de thread
Tous les membres statiques publics (partagés dans Visual Basic) de ce type sont thread-safe.Il n'est pas garanti que les membres d'instance soient thread-safe.
Plateformes de développement
Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Not tested on Windows XP
Voir aussi
Classe WSTrustServiceHost
Membres WSTrustServiceHost
Espace de noms Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust