Partager via



Return Value

A pointer to the next client item in the document, or NULL if there are no more client items.



A reference to a POSITION value set by a previous call to GetNextClientItem; the initial value is returned by the GetStartPosition member function.


Call this function repeatedly to access each of the client items in your document. After each call, the value of pos is set for the next item in the document, which might or might not be a client item.


// Example for COleDocument::GetNextClientItem
// pDoc points to a COleDocument object
POSITION pos = pDoc->GetStartPosition();
COleClientItem *pItem;
while ( ( pItem = pDoc->GetNextClientItem( pos ) ) != NULL )
   // Use pItem

COleDocument OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleClientItem, COleDocument::GetStartPosition, COleDocument::GetNextServerItem, COleDocument::GetNextItem