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Exception Handling: Default Synchronous Exception Model

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In previous versions of Visual C++, the C++ exception handling mechanism supported asynchronous (hardware) exceptions by default. Under the asynchronous model, the compiler assumes any instruction may generate an exception.

With the new synchronous exception model, now the default, exceptions can be thrown only with a throw statement. Therefore, the compiler can assume that exceptions happen only at a throw statement or at a function call. This model allows the compiler to eliminate the mechanics of tracking the lifetime of certain unwindable objects, and to significantly reduce the code size, if the objects’ lifetimes do not overlap a function call or a throw statement. The two exception handling models, synchronous and asynchronous, are fully compatible and can be mixed in the same application.

Catching hardware exceptions is still possible with the synchronous model. However, some of the unwindable objects in the function where the exception occurs may not get unwound, if the compiler judges their lifetime tracking mechanics to be unnecessary for the synchronous model.

See the /GX and /EH compiler options for information on enabling exception handling.