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COleDispatchDriver does not have a base class.

The COleDispatchDriver class implements the client side of OLE automation. OLE dispatch interfaces provide access to an object’s methods and properties. Member functions of COleDispatchDriver attach, detach, create, and release a dispatch connection of type IDispatch. Other member functions use variable argument lists to simplify calling IDispatch::Invoke.

For more information, see and in the Win32 SDK OLE Programmer’s Reference.

This class can be used directly, but it is generally used only by classes created by ClassWizard. When you create new C++ classes by importing a type library, ClassWizard derives the new classes from COleDispatchDriver.

For more information on using COleDispatchDriver, see the following articles in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide:

#include <afxdisp.h>

Class MembersHierarchy Chart


See Also   CCmdTarget