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Comment : interroger des fichiers dupliqués dans une arborescence de répertoires (LINQ)

Il peut arriver que des fichiers portant le même nom soient présents dans plusieurs dossiers.Par exemple, plusieurs dossiers du dossier d'installation de Visual Studio contiennent un fichier readme.htm.Cet exemple montre comment rechercher ces noms de fichier en double dans un dossier racine spécifié.Le deuxième exemple montre comment rechercher des fichiers dont la taille et l'heure de création correspondent également.


Module QueryDuplicateFileNames

    Public Sub Main()

        Dim path As String = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7"
        ' Uncomment to run this query instead
        ' QueryDuplicates2(path)

    End Sub
    Sub QueryDuplicates1(ByVal root As String)
        Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(root)
        Dim duplicates = From aFile In dir.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) _
                                 Order By aFile.Name _
                                 Group aFile By aFile.Name Into newGroup = Group _
                                 Where newGroup.Count() >= 2 _
                                 Select newGroup

        ' Page the display so that the results can be read.
        Dim trimLength = root.Length
        PageOutput(duplicates, trimLength)

    End Sub
    Sub QueryDuplicates2(ByVal root As String)

        ' This time a composite key is used. This sub finds all files
        ' that have been copied into multiple subfolders.
        Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(root)

        Dim duplicates = From aFile In Dir.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories) _
                                 Order By aFile.Name _
                                 Group aFile By aFile.Name, aFile.CreationTime, aFile.Length Into newGroup = Group _
                                 Where newGroup.Count() >= 2 _
                                 Select newGroup

        ' Page the display so that the results can be read.
        Dim trimLength = root.Length
        PageOutput(duplicates, trimLength)

    End Sub
    ' Pages console diplay for large query results. No more than one group per page.
    ' This sub specifically works with group queries of FileInfo objects
    ' but can be modified for any type.
    Sub PageOutput(ByVal groupQuery, ByVal charsToSkip)

        ' "3" = 1 line for extension key + 1 for "Press any key" + 1 for input cursor.
        Dim numLines As Integer = Console.WindowHeight - 3
        ' Flag to indicate whether there are more results to diplay
        Dim goAgain As Boolean = True

        For Each fg As IEnumerable(Of System.IO.FileInfo) In groupQuery
            ' Start a new extension at the top of a page.
            Dim currentLine As Integer = 0

            Do While (currentLine < fg.Count())

                ' Get the next page of results
                ' No more than one filename per page
                Dim resultPage = From file In fg _
                                Skip currentLine Take numLines

                ' Execute the query. Trim the paths in the output.
                For Each line In resultPage
                    Console.WriteLine(vbTab & line.FullName.Substring(charsToSkip))

                ' Advance the current position
                currentLine = numLines + currentLine

                ' Give the user a chance to break out of the loop
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key for next page or the 'End' key to exit.")
                Dim key As ConsoleKey = Console.ReadKey().Key
                If key = ConsoleKey.End Then
                    goAgain = False
                    Exit For
                End If
    End Sub
End Module
class QueryDuplicateFileNames
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Uncomment QueryDuplicates2 to run that query.
        // QueryDuplicates2();

        // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

    static void QueryDuplicates()
        // Change the root drive or folder if necessary
        string startFolder = @"c:\program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\";

        // Take a snapshot of the file system.
        System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(startFolder);

        // This method assumes that the application has discovery permissions
        // for all folders under the specified path.
        IEnumerable<System.IO.FileInfo> fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        // used in WriteLine to keep the lines shorter
        int charsToSkip = startFolder.Length;

        // var can be used for convenience with groups.
        var queryDupNames =
            from file in fileList
            group file.FullName.Substring(charsToSkip) by file.Name into fileGroup
            where fileGroup.Count() > 1
            select fileGroup;

        // Pass the query to a method that will
        // output one page at a time.
        PageOutput<string, string>(queryDupNames);

    // A Group key that can be passed to a separate method.
    // Override Equals and GetHashCode to define equality for the key.
    // Override ToString to provide a friendly name for Key.ToString()
    class PortableKey
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; }
        public long Length { get; set; }

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            PortableKey other = (PortableKey)obj;
            return other.CreationTime == this.CreationTime &&
                   other.Length == this.Length &&
                   other.Name == this.Name;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            string str = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", this.CreationTime, this.Length, this.Name);
            return str.GetHashCode();
        public override string ToString()
            return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", this.Name, this.Length, this.CreationTime);
    static void QueryDuplicates2()
        // Change the root drive or folder if necessary.
        string startFolder = @"c:\program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7";

        // Make the the lines shorter for the console display
        int charsToSkip = startFolder.Length;

        // Take a snapshot of the file system.
        System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(startFolder);
        IEnumerable<System.IO.FileInfo> fileList = dir.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        // Note the use of a compound key. Files that match
        // all three properties belong to the same group.
        // A named type is used to enable the query to be
        // passed to another method. Anonymous types can also be used
        // for composite keys but cannot be passed across method boundaries
        var queryDupFiles =
            from file in fileList
            group file.FullName.Substring(charsToSkip) by
                new PortableKey { Name = file.Name, CreationTime = file.CreationTime, Length = file.Length } into fileGroup
            where fileGroup.Count() > 1
            select fileGroup;

        var list = queryDupFiles.ToList();

        int i = queryDupFiles.Count();

        PageOutput<PortableKey, string>(queryDupFiles);

    // A generic method to page the output of the QueryDuplications methods
    // Here the type of the group must be specified explicitly. "var" cannot
    // be used in method signatures. This method does not display more than one
    // group per page.
    private static void PageOutput<K, V>(IEnumerable<System.Linq.IGrouping<K, V>> groupByExtList)
        // Flag to break out of paging loop.
        bool goAgain = true;

        // "3" = 1 line for extension + 1 for "Press any key" + 1 for input cursor.
        int numLines = Console.WindowHeight - 3;

        // Iterate through the outer collection of groups.
        foreach (var filegroup in groupByExtList)
            // Start a new extension at the top of a page.
            int currentLine = 0;

            // Output only as many lines of the current group as will fit in the window.
                Console.WriteLine("Filename = {0}", filegroup.Key.ToString() == String.Empty ? "[none]" : filegroup.Key.ToString());

                // Get 'numLines' number of items starting at number 'currentLine'.
                var resultPage = filegroup.Skip(currentLine).Take(numLines);

                //Execute the resultPage query
                foreach (var fileName in resultPage)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", fileName);

                // Increment the line counter.
                currentLine += numLines;

                // Give the user a chance to escape.
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue or the 'End' key to break...");
                ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key;
                if (key == ConsoleKey.End)
                    goAgain = false;
            } while (currentLine < filegroup.Count());

            if (goAgain == false)

La première requête utilise une clé simple pour déterminer une correspondance ; elle recherche des fichiers qui portent le même nom mais dont le contenu peut être différent.La deuxième requête utilise une clé composée pour comparer trois propriétés de l'objet FileInfo.Cette requête est beaucoup plus susceptible de retourner des fichiers qui portent le même nom et dont le contenu est semblable ou identique.

Compilation du code

  • Créez un projet Visual Studio qui cible la version 3.5 du .NET Framework.Par défaut, le projet possède une référence à System.Core.dll et une directive using (C#) ou un espace de noms Imported (Visual Basic) pour l'espace de noms System.Linq.Dans les projets C#, ajoutez une directive using pour l'espace de noms System.IO.

  • Copiez ce code dans votre projet.

  • Appuyez sur F5 pour compiler et exécuter le programme.

  • Appuyez sur une touche pour quitter la fenêtre de console.

Programmation fiable

Pour les opérations de requête intensives sur le contenu de plusieurs types de documents et de fichiers, envisagez d'utiliser le moteur de recherche Windows Desktop Search (en anglais).

Voir aussi


LINQ to Objects

LINQ et répertoires de fichiers