Crée la fenêtre cliente MDI qui gère les objets d' CMDIChildWnd .
virtual BOOL CreateClient(
CMenu* pWindowMenu
Un long pointeur vers une structure de CREATESTRUCT .pWindowMenu
Pointeur vers le menu contextuel de la fenêtre.
Valeur de retour
Une valeur différente de zéro si l'opération a réussi ; sinon 0.
Cette fonction membre doit être appelée si vous substituez la fonction membre d' OnCreate directement.
// The code below is from winmdi.cpp. It shows how to
// call CMDIFrameWnd::CreateClient(). CMainFrame is a
// CMDIFrameWnd-derived class.
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* /*pContext*/)
CMenu* pMenu = NULL;
if (m_hMenuDefault == NULL)
// default implementation for MFC V1 backward compatibility
pMenu = GetMenu();
ASSERT(pMenu != NULL);
// This is attempting to guess which sub-menu is the Window menu.
// The Windows user interface guidelines say that the right-most
// menu on the menu bar should be Help and Window should be one
// to the left of that.
int iMenu = pMenu->GetMenuItemCount() - 2;
// If this assertion fails, your menu bar does not follow the guidelines
// so you will have to override this function and call CreateClient
// appropriately or use the MFC V2 MDI functionality.
ASSERT(iMenu >= 0);
pMenu = pMenu->GetSubMenu(iMenu);
ASSERT(pMenu != NULL);
return CreateClient(lpcs, pMenu);
Configuration requise
Header: afxwin.h