Ajoute un nombre à un nombre complexe cible, où le nombre ajouté peut être complexe ou du même type que sont les vraies et imaginaires parties du nombre complexe auquel il est ajouté.
template<class Other>
complex<Type>& operator+=(
const complex<Other>& _Right
complex<Type>& operator+=(
const Type& _Right
complex<Type>& operator+=(
const complex<Type>& _Right
- _Right
Un nombre complexe ou un nombre qui est du même type que le paramètre du nombre complexe cible.
Valeur de retour
Un nombre complexe qui avait un nombre spécifié comme paramètre ajouté.
L'exécution est surchargée afin que les opérations arithmétiques simples puissent être exécutées sans conversion des données dans un format particulier.
// complex_op_pe.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// Example of the first member function
// type complex<double> added to type complex<double>
complex <double> cl1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
complex <double> cr1 ( 2.0 , -1.0 );
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl1 = " << cl1 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr1 = " << cr1 << endl;
complex <double> cs1 = cl1 + cr1;
cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs1 = cl1 + cr1 = "
<< cs1 << endl;
// This is equivalent to the following operation
cl1 += cr1;
cout << "The complex number cr1 added to the complex number cl1 is:"
<< "\n cl1 += cr1 = " << cl1 << endl;
double abscl1 = abs ( cl1 );
double argcl1 = arg ( cl1 );
cout << "The modulus of cl1 is: " << abscl1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cl1 is: "<< argcl1 << " radians, which is "
<< argcl1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Example of the second member function
// type double added to type complex<double>
complex <double> cl2 ( -2 , 4 );
double cr2 =5.0;
cout << "The left-side complex number is cl2 = " << cl2 << endl;
cout << "The right-side complex number is cr2 = " << cr2 << endl;
complex <double> cs2 = cl2 + cr2;
cout << "The sum of the two complex numbers is: cs2 = cl2 + cr2 = "
<< cs2 << endl;
// This is equivalent to the following operation
cl2 += cr2;
cout << "The complex number cr2 added to the complex number cl2 is:"
<< "\n cl2 += cr2 = " << cl2 << endl;
double abscl2 = abs ( cl2 );
double argcl2 = arg ( cl2 );
cout << "The modulus of cl2 is: " << abscl2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of cl2 is: "<< argcl2 << " radians, which is "
<< argcl2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
Configuration requise
en-tête : <complex>
l'espace de noms : DST