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DpiHelper Members

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The DpiHelper type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member DeviceToLogicalUnits(Point) Extension method for Point that returns a new Point with the input's coordinates converted from device units to logical units.
Public methodStatic member DeviceToLogicalUnits(Rect) Extension method for Rect that returns a new Rect with the input's coordinates converted from device units to logical units.
Public methodStatic member DeviceToLogicalUnits(Size) Extension method for Size that returns a new Size with the input's dimensions converted from device units to logical units.
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceActualSize Extension method for FrameworkElement that returns its Size in device units
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceHeight Extension method for Window that returns its Height in device units
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceLeft Extension method for Window that returns its Left coordinate in device units
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceRect Extension method for Window that returns its Rectangle in device units
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceTop Extension method for Window that returns its Top coordinate in device units
Public methodStatic member GetDeviceWidth Extension method for Window that returns its Width in device units
Public methodStatic member LogicalToDeviceUnits(Point) Extension method for Point that returns a new Point with the input's coordinates converted from logical units to device units.
Public methodStatic member LogicalToDeviceUnits(Rect) Extension method for Rect that returns a new Rect with the input's coordinates converted from logical units to device units.
Public methodStatic member LogicalToDeviceUnits(Size) Extension method for Size that returns a new Size with the input's dimensions converted from logical units to device units.
Public methodStatic member SetDeviceHeight Extension method for Window that sets its Height using device units
Public methodStatic member SetDeviceLeft Extension method for Window that sets its Left coordinate using device units
Public methodStatic member SetDeviceTop Extension method for Window that sets its Top coordinate using device units
Public methodStatic member SetDeviceWidth Extension method for Window that sets its Width using device units



  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member DeviceDpiX
Public propertyStatic member DeviceDpiY
Public propertyStatic member DeviceToLogicalUnitsScalingFactorX
Public propertyStatic member DeviceToLogicalUnitsScalingFactorY
Public propertyStatic member LogicalToDeviceUnitsScalingFactorX
Public propertyStatic member LogicalToDeviceUnitsScalingFactorY
Public propertyStatic member TransformFromDevice
Public propertyStatic member TransformToDevice


See Also


DpiHelper Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI Namespace