.gif) |
AdornmentLayerDefinition |
Provides information for an IAdornmentLayer export. |
.gif) |
AppearanceCategoryOption |
Represents the appearance category option. |
.gif) |
AutoScrollEnabled |
Defines the option to enable auto-scroll. |
.gif) |
BackgroundBrushChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the BackgroundBrushChanged event. |
.gif) |
CaretPositionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the PositionChanged event. |
.gif) |
ChangeTrackingMarginEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the change-tracking margin. |
.gif) |
CollapseHintAdornmentControl |
Highlights an outlining region in the text view when the mouse hovers over this region in the outlining margin. |
.gif) |
ConvertTabsToSpaces |
The option definition that determines whether to convert tabs to spaces. |
.gif) |
CutOrCopyBlankLineIfNoSelection |
Defines the option to cut or copy a blank line if the selection is empty. |
.gif) |
DefaultOptions |
Common editor default options. |
.gif) |
DefaultTextViewHostOptions |
Represents common IWpfTextViewHost-related options. |
.gif) |
DefaultTextViewOptions |
Defines common ITextView options. |
.gif) |
DefaultWpfViewOptions |
Represents common IWpfTextView options. |
.gif) |
DisplayUrlsAsHyperlinks |
The option definition that determines if URLs should be displayed as hyperlinks. |
.gif) |
DragDropEditing |
Defines the view option for drag/drop editing. |
.gif) |
EditorOptionChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the OptionChanged event. |
.gif) |
EditorOptionDefinition |
The definition of an editor option. |
.gif) |
EditorOptionDefinition<T> |
Represents the definition of an editor option. |
.gif) |
GlyphMarginEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the glyph margin. |
.gif) |
GridCellLengthAttribute |
This class associates a grid cell size with a MEF export. |
.gif) |
GridUnitTypeAttribute |
This class associates a GridUnitType value with a MEF export. |
.gif) |
HighlightCurrentLineOption |
Represents the option to highlight the current line. |
.gif) |
HorizontalScrollBarEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the horizontal scroll bar. |
.gif) |
ImeTextComposition |
Represents a text composition generated by the IME processing of the ITextView. |
.gif) |
IndentSize |
The option definition that determines the size (in number of spaces) of an indent. |
.gif) |
IntraTextAdornment |
Support for intra-text adornments that are provided with IntraTextAdornmentTag objects. |
.gif) |
IntraTextAdornmentTag |
Represents a tag that provides adornments to be interspersed with text. |
.gif) |
IsViewportLeftClipped |
Defines the option to clip the ViewportLeft property to the width of the text. |
.gif) |
KeyProcessor |
Processes the keyboard input of the editor. |
.gif) |
LineNumberMarginEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the line number margin. |
.gif) |
MarginContainerAttribute |
Specifies the type of margin container. |
.gif) |
MouseHoverAttribute |
An attribute to be placed on an event handler for MouseHover, specifying the delay between the time when the mouse stops moving and the generation of the hover event. |
.gif) |
MouseHoverEventArgs |
Provides information for the MouseHover event. |
.gif) |
MouseProcessorBase |
Provides a base implementation for mouse bindings, so that clients can override only the methods they need. |
.gif) |
MouseWheelZoomEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the mouse wheel zoom |
.gif) |
NewLineCharacter |
The option definition that specifies the newline character or characters. |
.gif) |
OutliningCollapsedAdornmentControl |
Represents collapsed text in the text view. |
.gif) |
OutliningMarginBracketControl |
Indicates the vertical extent of an expanded outlining region and allows the user to collapse it. |
.gif) |
OutliningMarginControl |
Represents the outlining margin. |
.gif) |
OutliningMarginEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the outlining margin. |
.gif) |
OutliningMarginHeaderControl |
Enables an outlining region to be collapsed and expanded. |
.gif) |
OutliningUndoEnabled |
The option definition that determines whether outlining is undoable. |
.gif) |
OverwriteMode |
Defines the view option for overwrite mode. |
.gif) |
PredefinedAdornmentLayers |
Includes the names of the adornment layers predefined by the editor. |
.gif) |
PredefinedMarginNames |
Includes the predefined margin names. |
.gif) |
PredefinedTextViewRoles |
The set of the names of predefined text view roles. |
.gif) |
ProduceScreenReaderFriendlyText |
Defines the option to enable providing annotated text in automation controls so that screen readers can properly read contents of code. |
.gif) |
ReplicateNewLineCharacter |
Determines whether to duplicate a newline character when inserting a line. |
.gif) |
SelectionMarginEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the selection margin. |
.gif) |
SimpleGraphicsOption |
Represents the option to draw a selection gradient as opposed to a solid color selection. |
.gif) |
SpaceReservationAgentChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the AgentChanged event. |
.gif) |
SpaceReservationManagerDefinition |
Represents metadata for an ISpaceReservationManager. |
.gif) |
TabSize |
The option definition that determines the number of spaces of a tab. |
.gif) |
TextViewCreatedEventArgs |
Provides information for the TextViewCreated event. |
.gif) |
TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the LayoutChanged event. |
.gif) |
TextViewRoleAttribute |
Use this attribute to specify the kinds of TextViews to which an extension applies. |
.gif) |
UseVirtualSpace |
Defines the option to use virtual space. |
.gif) |
UseVisibleWhitespace |
Defines the option to use visible whitespace. |
.gif) |
VerticalScrollBarEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the vertical scroll bar. |
.gif) |
ViewOptionDefinition<T> |
Defines a ITextView-specific editor option. |
.gif) |
ViewProhibitUserInput |
Defines the Prohibit User Input option. |
.gif) |
ViewState |
Represents the state of a view in terms of the size of its viewport (the area visible in the document window), visual snapshot, and editable snapshot. |
.gif) |
WordWrapStyle |
Defines the word wrap style option. |
.gif) |
WpfTextViewKeyboardFilterName |
Represents the KeyboardFilter ordering name. |
.gif) |
WpfViewOptionDefinition<T> |
Defines an editor option specific to an IWpfTextView. |
.gif) |
ZoomConstants |
Defines the constants used for zoom operations. |
.gif) |
ZoomControl |
Represents a zoom control in the text view. |
.gif) |
ZoomControlEnabled |
Defines the option to enable the zoom control. |
.gif) |
ZoomLevelChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the ZoomLevelChanged event. |
.gif) |
ZoomLevelConverter |
Allows conversion between string and double representations of the zoom level. |