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ClipboardObject |
Represents a clipboard object for the purpose of data transfer. This object interoperates between DataObject, IDataObject, and IDataObject. |
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DataAsyncCommand |
Enables executing data commands in an asynchronous manner. |
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DataClientObject<T> |
Represents a client wrapper object that interacts with an underlying provider object. |
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DataCommand |
Provides the ability to build and execute data commands of various types against data sources, and to retrieve read-only results or a command status code. |
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DataConnectionClientService<T> |
Represents a base implementation of the IVsDataClientObject<T> interface for data connection services. |
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DataConnectionEquivalencyComparer |
Provides the ability to compare data connection properties for equivalence. |
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DataConnectionPromptDialog |
Represents a dialog box that can prompt the user for information when a data connection is being opened. |
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DataConnectionProperties |
Provides support for the parsing and formatting of connection strings containing data connection properties, as well as for strongly typed property storage, custom attributes, and synonyms. |
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DataConnectionSupport |
Provides properties and methods that enable you to work directly with connections to a data source. |
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DataConnectionUIConnector |
Provides the ability to customize the behavior of opening a connection when in the context of a connection UI (for example, the data connection dialog box). |
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DataConnectionUIControl |
Enables a custom UI control for editing connection properties in the Data Connection dialog box. |
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DataDefaultObject |
Provides a way to create default instances of provider objects. |
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DataMappedObject |
Represents a well-known concept for use by a generic designer. |
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DataMappedObjectConverter |
Provides the ability to convert restrictions passed to the mapped object selector into underlying restrictions to pass to the data source–specific type selector, thus allowing mapped selection. Also allows conversion of members of an underlying data object to members of a mapped object, resulting in mapped representations of data objects. |
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DataMenuCommand |
Represents an extended MenuCommand class to support status updates. |
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DataObjectIdentifierConverter |
Provides the ability to convert data source–specific object identifiers from strings to identifier parts, and from identifier parts to strings. |
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DataObjectIdentifierResolver |
Provides the ability to expand and contract an identifier for a specified data object. |
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DataObjectMemberComparer |
Allows you to compare two data object identifier parts or properties. |
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DataObjectSelector |
Enables getting data source–specific metadata about objects from the object store. The source of the object store is the data object support XML file. |
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DataObjectSupport |
Enables you to retrieve an XML stream that describes a set of data object types on a data source, which you can then interpret and manipulate programmatically. |
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DataParameter |
Represents a data parameter that is derived from a data source command, or that is passed with a command to a data source. |
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DataProviderObjectFactory |
Provides the ability to create DDEX provider implementations of support entities. |
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DataReader |
Provides the ability to expose data from any data source. |
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DataSiteableObject<T> |
Provides a simplified way to support communication between an object and its site in the container. |
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DataSiteableServiceProvider<T> |
Combines the functionality of an IVsDataSiteableObject<T> object and a ServiceProvider object. This implementation of the IVsDataSiteableObject<T> and IServiceProvider interfaces allows access to services while supporting communication to a site. |
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DataSourceInformation |
Allows you to retrieve well-defined information about a specified data source in the form of properties constructed as name/value pairs. |
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DataSourceSpecializer |
Provides the ability to specialize the behavior of a DDEX provider, depending on the data source to which it is connected. |
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DataSourceVersionComparer |
Provides the means to compare two data-source-specific version strings. |
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DataSpecifier |
Represents a utility class that provides the ability to parse and resolve data specifiers. |
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DataSupport |
Represents the base class for all classes that provide data support XML. |
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DataTransaction |
Enables transaction-processing, which allows you to commit or roll back a series of related operations as a batch. |
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DataViewBrowseObject |
Represents a dynamic browse object for a node in a data view hierarchy. |
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DataViewBrowseObjectProvider |
Allows you to retrieve a specialized browse object for a specified node in a given data view. |
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DataViewCommandProvider |
Provides the ability to implement commands, specifically custom commands, for nodes in a data view. |
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DataViewDocumentProvider |
Provides the ability to open a document, get a document moniker, and perform other actions pertaining to a document in the Visual Studio Sever Explorer. |
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DataViewMenuCommand |
Represents a base implementation for menu commands offered by high-level or shortcut menus as part of a data view hierarchy. |
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DataViewPropertyDescriptor |
Represents a dynamic property for a node in a data view hierarchy. |
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DataViewSelectionMenuCommand |
Provides the ability to determine the status of a shortcut menu command when multiple nodes are selected in Server Explorer for a specific data connection, and to invoke the command. |
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DataViewSupport |
Enables retrieving an XML stream that provides a description of one or more data views. |
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DSRefBuilder |
Allows you to create a Data Source Reference (DSRef) object that identifies one or more data objects. |
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DSRefClipboardObject |
Provides the ability to create and read a clipboard object used for drag-and-drop operations between Server Explorer and the data designer. The DSRefClipboardObject object contains identifying information about the underlying object that is transferred. |
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NameAttribute |
Specifies the string literal name of a given connection property when specified in a connection string. |
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ServiceProvider |
Provides an object that can proffer services by using both the managed and unmanaged IServiceProvider interfaces. |
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SynonymsAttribute |
Provides a comma-delimited list of connection property names that are synonymous with a primary connection property name. |