Enumerates a DIA data source table.
IDiaTable : IEnumUnknown
Methods in Vtable Order
The following table shows the methods of IDiaTable.
Method |
Description |
Retrieves the IEnumVARIANT Interface version of this enumerator. |
Retrieves the name of the table. |
Retrieves the number of items in the table. |
Retrieves a reference to a particular entry index. |
This interface implements the IEnumUnknown enumeration methods in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop namespace. The IEnumUnknown enumeration interface is much more efficient for iterating over the table contents than the IDiaTable::get_Count and IDiaTable::Item methods.
The interpretation of the IUnknown interface returned from either the IDiaTable::Item method or the Next method (in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop namespace) is dependent on the type of table. For example, if the IDiaTable interface represents a list of injected sources, the IUnknown interface should be queried for the IDiaInjectedSource interface.
Notes for Callers
Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaEnumTables::Item or IDiaEnumTables::Next methods.
The following interfaces are implemented with the IDiaTable interface (that is, you can query the IDiaTable interface for one of the following interfaces):
The first function, ShowTableNames, displays the names of all the tables in the session. The second function, GetTable, searches all of the tables for a table that implements a specified interface. The third function, UseTable, shows how to use the GetTable function.
CDiaBSTR is a class that wraps a BSTR and automatically handles freeing the string when the instantiation goes out of scope.
void ShowTableNames(IDiaSession *pSession)
CComPtr<IDiaEnumTables> pTables;
if ( FAILED( psession->getEnumTables( &pTables ) ) )
Fatal( "getEnumTables" );
CComPtr< IDiaTable > pTable;
while ( SUCCEEDED( hr = pTables->Next( 1, &pTable, &celt ) )
&& celt == 1 )
CDiaBSTR bstrTableName;
if ( pTable->get_name( &bstrTableName ) != 0 )
Fatal( "get_name" );
printf( "Found table: %ws\n", bstrTableName );
// Searches the list of all tables for a table that supports
// the specified interface. Use this function to obtain an
// enumeration interface.
HRESULT GetTable(IDiaSession* pSession,
void** ppUnk)
CComPtr<IDiaEnumTables> pEnumTables;
HRESULT hResult;
if (FAILED(pSession->getEnumTables(&pEnumTables)))
CComPtr<IDiaTable> pTable;
ULONG celt = 0;
while (SUCCEEDED(hResult = pEnumTables->Next(1, &pTable, &celt)) &&
celt == 1)
if (pTable->QueryInterface(iid, (void**)ppUnk) == S_OK)
return S_OK;
pTable = NULL;
if (FAILED(hResult))
return E_FAIL;
// This function shows how to use the GetTable function.
void UseTable(IDiaSession *pSession)
CComPtr<IDiaEnumSegments> pEnumSegments;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetTable(pSession, __uuidof(IDiaEnumSegments), &pEnumSegments)))
// Do something with pEnumSegments.
Header: Dia2.h
Library: diaguids.lib
DLL: msdia80.dll