How to: Using Tracking References and Interior Pointers
The following sample shows that taking the address of a tracking reference returns an interior_ptr and how to modify and access data through a tracking reference.
// tracking_reference_data.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;
public ref class R {
R(int i) : m_i(i) {
Console::WriteLine("ctor: R(int)");
int m_i;
class N {
N(int i) : m_i (i) {
Console::WriteLine("ctor: N(int i)");
int m_i;
int main() {
R ^hr = gcnew R('r');
R ^%thr = hr;
N n('n');
N %tn = n;
// Declare interior pointers
interior_ptr<R^> iphr = &thr;
interior_ptr<N> ipn = &tn;
// Modify data through interior pointer
(*iphr)->m_i = 1; // (*iphr)->m_i == thr->m_i
ipn->m_i = 4; // ipn->m_i == tn.m_i
++thr-> m_i; // hr->m_i == thr->m_i
++tn. m_i; // n.m_i == tn.m_i
++hr-> m_i; // (*iphr)->m_i == hr->m_i
++n. m_i; // ipn->m_i == n.m_i
ctor: R(int)
ctor: N(int i)
The following code sample shows that you can convert between tracking references and interior pointers.
// tracking_reference_interior_ptr.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;
public ref class R {
R(int i) : m_i(i) {
Console::WriteLine("ctor: R(int)");
int m_i;
class N {
N(int i) : m_i(i) {
Console::WriteLine("ctor: N(int i)");
int m_i;
int main() {
R ^hr = gcnew R('r');
N n('n');
R ^%thr = hr;
N %tn = n;
// Declare interior pointers
interior_ptr<R^> iphr = &hr;
interior_ptr<N> ipn = &n;
// Modify data through interior pointer
(*iphr)->m_i = 1; // (*iphr)-> m_i == thr->m_i
ipn->m_i = 4; // ipn->m_i == tn.m_i
++thr->m_i; // hr->m_i == thr->m_i
++tn.m_i; // n.m_i == tn.m_i
++hr->m_i; // (*iphr)->m_i == hr->m_i
++n.m_i; // ipn->m_i == n.m_i
ctor: R(int)
ctor: N(int i)