Dereferences the insert iterator returning the element it addresses.
front_insert_iterator<Container>& operator*( );
Return Value
The member function returns the value of the element addressed.
Used to implement the output iterator expression *Iter = value. If Iter is an iterator that addresses an element in a sequence, then *Iter = value replaces that element with value and does not change the total number of elements in the sequence.
// front_insert_iterator_deref.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
int i;
list <int>::iterator L_Iter;
list<int> L;
for ( i = -1 ; i < 9 ; ++i )
L.push_back ( 2 * i );
cout << "The list L is:\n ( ";
for ( L_Iter = L.begin( ) ; L_Iter != L.end( ); L_Iter++)
cout << *L_Iter << " ";
cout << ")." << endl;
front_insert_iterator< list < int> > Iter(L);
*Iter = 20;
// Alternatively, you may use
front_inserter ( L ) = 30;
cout << "After the front insertions, the list L is:\n ( ";
for ( L_Iter = L.begin( ) ; L_Iter != L.end( ); L_Iter++)
cout << *L_Iter << " ";
cout << ")." << endl;
The list L is:
( -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ).
After the front insertions, the list L is:
( 30 20 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ).
Header: <iterator>
Namespace: std