Partager via


Adds a bind entry to the output columns.

void AddBindEntry(
   DBORDINAL nOrdinal,
   DBTYPE wType,
   DBLENGTH nColumnSize,
   void* pData,
   void* pLength = NULL,
   void* pStatus = NULL 
) throw ( );


See DBBINDING in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference.

  • nOrdinal
    [in] Column number.

  • wType
    [in] Data type.

  • nColumnSize
    [in] Column size in bytes.

  • pData
    [in] A pointer to the column data stored in the buffer.

  • pLength
    [in] A pointer to the field length, if required.

  • pStatus
    [in] A pointer to the variable to be bound to the column status, if required.


To use this function, you must first call CreateAccessor. You cannot add more entries than the number of columns specified in CreateAccessor.


Header: atldbcli.h

See Also


CManualAccessor Class

CManualAccessor Members

DBViewer Sample: Database Browser