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Visual Basic Concepts

Step One: Create the Support Project

The first step in authoring the Support project is to start a new Internet Information Server (IIS) application project.

To create your project

  1. On the File menu, click New Project, then double-click the IIS Application icon.

  2. Visual Basic automatically adds a webclass designer to the project. To see it, double-click on the Designers folder in the Project Explorer window, then double-click on its default name, Webclass1. The WebClass designer appears with the title "Project1 – WebClass1 (WebClass)".

  3. In the Properties window, double-click the Name property and change the name of Webclass1 to Support. The new name appears in the title bar of the designer, and in the Project Explorer window.

    Tip   You can also change the NameInURL property to Support, if you want to. The NameinURL property value sets the name of the .asp file for the WebClass object. For example, if you specify Support as the NameinURL property value, the .asp file generated for the webclass will be named Support.asp.

  4. In the Project Explorer window, click the Project1 icon. In the Properties window, double-click Name, and change the name of the project to Support1.

  5. In the Project Explorer window, double-click the Support icon to bring the designer to the front.

  6. Save your project.