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MinButton Property

Specifies whether a form has a Minimize button. Available at design time and run time.

Object.MinButton[ = lExpr]

Property Values

  • lExpr
    The settings for the MinButton property are:
    Setting Description
    True (.T.) (Default) The form has a Minimize button.
    False (.F.) The form does not have a Minimize button.


A Minimize button enables users to minimize a Form window to an icon.

The settings you specify for MaxButton, MinButton, BorderStyle, and ControlBox are not reflected in the Form's appearance until run time.

In Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later, an MDI child form is displayed with a Minimize button regardless of the setting of MinButton. However, if MinButton is set to false (.F.), 'it is disabled, and the corresponding Minimize command is not on the form's Control-box menu.

Minimizing a form to an icon at run time generates a Resize event. The WindowState property reflects the current state of the window. If you set the WindowState property to 1 (Minimized), the Form is minimized independently of whatever settings are in effect for the MinButton and BorderStyle properties.

See Also

BorderStyle Property | ControlBox Property | MaxButton Property | TitleBar Property | WindowState Property

Applies To: Form | _SCREEN