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Exporting a certificate from a Web server

To export a certificate from a Web server

  1. On the computer on which you installed the certificate for the Web site that you plan to publish, click Start, click Run, type mmc in the Open text box, and click OK.

  2. In the Console1 window, click the File menu and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.

  3. In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click Add.

  4. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, select Certificates and click Add.

  5. On the Certificates snap-in page, select Computer account and click Next.

  6. On the Select Computer page, select Local computer and click Finish.

  7. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, click Close.

  8. In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click OK.

  9. In the console tree, expand the Certificates (Local Computer) node, expand Personal, and click Certificates.

  10. Right-click the certificate for which the name of your Web site appears in the Issued To column in the details pane, click All Tasks, and then click Export.

  11. On the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard page, click Next.

  12. On the Export Private Key page, select Yes, export the private key, and then click Next.

  13. On the Export File Format page, select Personal Information Exchange. Retain the default setting for all three check boxes and click Next.

  14. On the Password page, assign a password to protect the exported file, confirm the password, and then click Next.

  15. On the File to Export page, provide a file name and location for the export file, click Save, and then click Next.

  16. On the Completing the Certificate Export Wizard page, click Finish. Make sure that you safeguard the file that you just created, because your ability to use the SSL protocol depends upon this file.

  17. Copy the file that you created to the Forefront TMG computer.


  • The Yes, export the private key, option is not available on the Export Private Key page of the Certificate Export Wizard if the private key has already been exported to another computer, or if the key never existed on the Web server. You cannot use this certificate on the Forefront TMG computer. You must request a new certificate for Forefront TMG for this Web site.
  • After you successfully complete this procedure, you can import the certificate to a Forefront TMG computer. For instructions, see Importing a certificate to a Forefront TMG computer.