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Update the CLB Routing List

You can designate which COM+ servers participate in CLB by updating the routing list. Application Center uses CLB to distribute activation requests for COM+ components across a COM+ application cluster. The routing list exists on the cluster performing CLB, either a COM+ routing cluster or Web cluster, not the COM+ application cluster. Each of the members in the COM+ application cluster must be listed on this routing list. Additionally, each component that is load balanced must also be configured to support dynamic load balancing.

To add a COM+ server

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the routing cluster that performs CLB, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties.

  2. In the Cluster Properties dialog box, click the Component Services tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Name box, type the name of the COM+ server, and then click OK.

    This name must be a valid NetBios name, DNS name, or IP address.

To remove a COM+ server

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the routing cluster that performs CLB, and then click Properties.

  2. In the Cluster Properties dialog box, click the Component Services tab.

  3. Click the COM+ server to remove from CLB, and then click Remove.

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