Partager via

IPageContext Members

Defines the methods and properties that retrieve information or perform operations on a page context object.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IPageContext type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ConfigurationXml Gets or sets the configuration XML text for a page context object.
public property UsageMode Gets the usage state that defines how the page context object is being used.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method CancelChanges Cancels and reverts any changes that caused a system update because the user canceled changes to the object.
public method Commit Commits the page context object.
public method NotifyObjectChanged Notifies the currently registered clients that the object has been modified.
public method NotifyObjectCommitted Notifies the currently registered clients that the object changes have been committed.
public method NotifyObjectCommitting Notifies the currently registered clients that the object changes are currently being committed.
public method RegisterObjectChanged Registers for notifications that occur when the object has changed.
public method RegisterObjectCommitted Registers for notifications that occur when the object has been committed.
public method RegisterObjectCommitting Registers notifications that occur when the object is being committed.
public method UnregisterObjectChanged Removes registration for notifications that occur when the object has changed.
public method UnregisterObjectCommitted Removes registration for notifications that occur when the object is being committed.
public method UnregisterObjectCommitting Removes registration for notifications that occur when the object is being committed.


See Also


IPageContext Interface
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI Namespace

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