Retourne la limite supérieure pour toute dimension d'un tableau sécurisé.
void GetUBound(
DWORD dwDim,
long* pUBound
La dimension de tableau pour laquelle obtenir la limite supérieure.pUBound
Pointeur vers l'emplacement pour retourner la limite supérieure.
Sur l'erreur, la fonction lève COleException.
COleSafeArray saMatrix;
DWORD numElements[] = {10, 5};
// creates a 2 dimensional safearray of type VT_I2
// with size 10x5 elements, with all indices starting at 0(default)
saMatrix.Create(VT_I2, 2, numElements);
long lUBound;
ASSERT(saMatrix.GetDim() == 2);
//get upper bound for 1st dimension
saMatrix.GetUBound(1, &lUBound);
ASSERT(lUBound == 9);
//get upper bound for 2nd dimension
saMatrix.GetUBound(2, &lUBound);
ASSERT(lUBound == 4);
COleSafeArray saVector;
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabounds[] = { {5, 1} };
// creates a 1 dimensional safearray of type VT_I1
// with size 5 elements, with the index starting at 1
saVector.Create(VT_I1, 1, rgsabounds);
//get upper bound for 1st dimension
saVector.GetUBound(1, &lUBound);
ASSERT(lUBound == 5);
Configuration requise
Header: afxdisp.h