Dumps the debug header information for a specified heap state in a user-readable form (debug version only).
void _CrtMemDumpStatistics(
const _CrtMemState *state
- state
Pointer to the heap state to dump.
The _CrtMemDumpStatistics function dumps the debug header information for a specified state of the heap in a user-readable form. The dump statistics can be used by the application to track allocations and detect memory problems. The memory state can contain a specific heap state or the difference between two states. When _DEBUG is not defined, calls to _CrtMemDumpStatistics are removed during preprocessing.
The state parameter must be a pointer to a _CrtMemState structure that has been filled in by _CrtMemCheckpoint or returned by _CrtMemDifference before _CrtMemDumpStatistics is called. Si state est NULL, le gestionnaire de paramètres non valides est appelé, comme décrit dans Validation de paramètre. If execution is allowed to continue, errno is set to EINVAL and no action is taken. Pour plus d'informations, consultez errno, _doserrno, _sys_errlist et _sys_nerr.
For more information about heap state functions and the _CrtMemState structure, see Heap State Reporting Functions. For more information about how memory blocks are allocated, initialized, and managed in the debug version of the base heap, see Détails du tas de débogage CRT.
Configuration requise
Routine |
En-tête requis |
En-têtes facultatifs |
_CrtMemDumpStatistics |
<crtdbg.h> |
<errno.h> |
For more compatibility information, see Compatibilité in the Introduction.
Libraries: Debug versions of Fonctions des bibliothèque CRT only.
Consultez crt_dbg1.