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Microsoft.Synchronization.Data Namespace

The Microsoft.Synchronization.Data and Microsoft.Synchronization namespaces includes classes that form the foundation of Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET. In addition to these namespaces, Synchronization Services includes Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server and Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe.


Class Description
AnchorException The exception that is thrown for errors related to anchors, including the failure to return an anchor.
ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs Provides data for the client ApplyChangeFailed event and the server ApplyChangeFailed event.
ApplyingChangesEventArgs Provides data for the client ApplyingChanges event and the server ApplyingChanges event.
ChangesAppliedEventArgs Provides data for the client ChangesApplied event and the server ChangesApplied event.
ChangesSelectedEventArgs Provides data for the client ChangesSelected event and the server ChangesSelected event.
ClientSyncProvider Abstracts a client synchronization provider that communicates with the client data store and shields the synchronization agent from the specific implementation of the data store.
CreatingSchemaEventArgs Provides data for the CreatingSchema event.
MetadataException The exception that is thrown for errors that occur while creating, reading, or writing table metadata.
SchemaCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the SchemaCreated event.
SchemaException The exception that is thrown for errors that occur while creating or reading table schema.
SelectingChangesEventArgs Provides data for the client SelectingChanges event and the server SelectingChanges event.
ServerSyncProvider Abstracts a generic server synchronization provider that communicates with the server data store and shields the synchronization agent from the specific implementation of that data store.
ServerSyncProviderProxy Provides a wrapper for the ServerSyncProvider.
SessionVariableException The exception that is thrown for errors that occur while reading or writing session variables.
SyncAnchor Encapsulates a synchronization anchor. An anchor provides a reference point to determine which changes to synchronize for a synchronization group.
SyncConfiguration Maintains the collections of tables and parameters that are required to configure the client and server synchronization providers.
SyncConflict Represents a synchronization conflict at the row level.
SyncConflictResolver Represents the actions to take when any conflicts occur during synchronization.
SyncContext Encapsulates data changes and anchor values and other metadata for a synchronization session.
SyncException The base class for exceptions that are thrown during synchronization.
SyncGroup Represents a group of SyncTable objects and provides a mechanism to ensure consistent application of changes for those tables.
SyncGroupMetadata Represents the metadata for a SyncGroup object, such as the new anchor value.
SyncGroupProgress Represents a set of synchronization progress statistics for the tables in a SyncGroup.
SyncParameter Encapsulates information sent from the client to the server.
SyncParameterCollection A collection of SyncParameter objects.
SyncProgressEventArgs Provides data for the client SyncProgress event and the server SyncProgress event.
SyncSchema Represents the schema information that is required to create tables that are involved in synchronization.
SyncSchemaColumn Represents the schema of a column in a SyncSchemaTable.
SyncSchemaColumns Represents a collection of SyncSchemaColumn objects.
SyncSchemaForeignKey Represents a foreign key relationship between two tables that are involved in synchronization.
SyncSchemaForeignKeys Represents a collection of SyncSchemaForeignKey objects.
SyncSchemaTable Represents the schema of a table that is involved in synchronization.
SyncSchemaTables Represents a collection of SyncSchemaTable objects.
SyncSession Represents a synchronization session. The SyncSession object exists for the duration of the synchronization session.
SyncStatistics Represents a summary of a SyncSession with regard to the total number of operations that occurred on the client and server.
SyncTable Represents the client settings for a table involved in synchronization.
SyncTableCollection Represents a collection of SyncTable objects.
SyncTableInfo Encapsulates information about table settings and metadata. This information is available through GetServerInfo.
SyncTableMetadata Encapsulates the metadata that is associated with a SyncTable, such as the direction of synchronization.
SyncTableProgress Represents a set of synchronization progress statistics for a SyncTable object.
SyncTracer Provides tracing for a synchronization session, with four levels of output: errors, warnings, informational, and verbose.


Structure Description
SyncServerInfo Encapsulates information about server-side settings and metadata. This information is available through GetServerInfo.


Enumeration Description
ApplyAction Specifies the options for processing a row when the row cannot be applied during synchronization.
ConflictType Defines the types of conflicts that can occur during synchronization.
ResolveAction Specifies the options for resolving any conflicts that occur at the client during synchronization.
SyncDirection Defines the direction that data changes flow, from the perspective of the client.
SyncErrorNumber Defines a list of errors that can occur during synchronization.
SyncSchemaForeignKeyRule Indicates the action that occurs when a FOREIGN KEY constraint, which is defined through a SyncSchemaForeignKeyRule object, is enforced during a delete or update operation.
TableCreationOption Defines the options that are available for creating a table in the client database.