.gif) |
Application |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ApplicationClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerAdo |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerAdoClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerAdoNet |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerAdoNetClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerCache |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerCacheClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerExcel |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerExcelClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFileClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerFlatFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerFtp |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFtpClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerHost |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerHostClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerHttp |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerHttpClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerMultiFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerMultiFileClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFileClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerOdbc |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerOdbcClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerOLAP |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerOLAPClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerOleDb |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerOleDbClass. |
.gif) |
ConnectionManagerSqlMobile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerSqlMobileClass. |
.gif) |
EventHandler |
Infrastructure. For more information, see EventHandlerClass. |
.gif) |
ExpressionEvaluator |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ExpressionEvaluatorClass. |
.gif) |
ForEachEnumeratorHost |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachEnumeratorHostClass. |
.gif) |
ForEachItemEnumerator |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachItemEnumeratorClass. |
.gif) |
ForEachLoop |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachLoopClass. |
.gif) |
ForLoop |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForLoopClass. |
.gif) |
FTPClientConnection100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSFtpClientConnection100. |
.gif) |
HttpClientConnection100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see HttpClientConnection100Class. |
.gif) |
IDTSApplication100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods that are used to discover and access Package objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSBreakpointManager100 |
Infrastructure. Provides methods to manage all the breakpoints that are set in on a task. |
.gif) |
IDTSBreakpointSite100 |
Infrastructure. Defines the interaction between the Integration Services run-time engine and the task for exposing breakpoints and for creating and managing custom breakpoints. |
.gif) |
IDTSBreakpointTarget100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see BreakpointTarget. |
.gif) |
IDTSBreakpointTargets100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSBreakpointTarget100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSCloneVariableDispenser100 |
Infrastructure. Represents cloned copy of an original variable dispenser object. |
.gif) |
IDTSComponentEvents100 |
Infrastructure. Defines an interface that provides methods for event firing. |
.gif) |
IDTSComponentPersist100 |
Infrastructure. Allows properties and settings for components and tasks to be saved and loaded from the package XML. |
.gif) |
IDTSConfiguration100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see Configuration. |
.gif) |
IDTSConfigurationControl100 |
Provides a property that controls how a package loads configurations. |
.gif) |
IDTSConfigurations100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSConfiguration100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Contains information about all the connections on the computer. The collection contains IDTSConnectionInfo100 objects that provide the details about each connection. The collection is available using the ApplicationClass class. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManager100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods that are used for managing connection to a data source. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerCache100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods associated with managing connections using a Cache Transform or a cache file for the data connection. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumn100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumns100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumn100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerDatabaseParameters100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerExcel100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerExcelClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerFile100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFileClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 |
Infrastructure. This interface is used by the native connection managers. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFlatFileClass and ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFileClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see FlatFileColumn. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumns100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerFtp100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFtpClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerHttp100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a connection manager for HTTP connection. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerInit100 |
Infrastructure. Provides methods for initializing the properties of a connection manager. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerMarshalControl100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods to connection manager that supports marshal control. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnectionManagerVariables100 |
Infrastructure. Provides variables and variable dispenser to connection manager. |
.gif) |
IDTSConnections100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of connection managers. |
.gif) |
IDTSContainer100 |
Infrastructure. Defines properties and methods used by all containers and packages. |
.gif) |
IDTSDataTapConfiguration100 |
Infrastructure. Provides methods for working with a data tap configuration. |
.gif) |
IDTSDataTypeInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see DataTypeInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSDataTypeInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Contains a collection of IDTSDataTypeInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSDBProviderInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see DBProviderInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSDBProviderInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Contains a collection of IDTSDBProviderInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSDowngradableObject100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the DTS downgradable object. |
.gif) |
IDTSDowngradeSettings100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the downgrade settings. |
.gif) |
IDTSDumpConfiguration100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a dump configuration for the DTS. |
.gif) |
IDTSDynamicName100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the dynamic name for the DTS. |
.gif) |
IDTSEnumReferencedObjects100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see EnumReferencedObjects. |
.gif) |
IDTSError100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see DtsError. |
.gif) |
IDTSErrors100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSError100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSEvaluatorContext100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the DTS evaluator context. |
.gif) |
IDTSEventHandler100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see EventHandler. |
.gif) |
IDTSEventHandlers100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSEventHandler100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSEventInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see EventInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSEventInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSEventInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSEvents100 |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for the events. |
.gif) |
IDTSEventsProvider100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see EventsProvider. |
.gif) |
IDTSExecutable100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface that provides the methods that all objects that are run by the run-time engine are required to inherit and implement. |
.gif) |
IDTSExecutables100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSExecutable100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSExecutionLocation100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see TaskHost. |
.gif) |
IDTSExecutionMetrics100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSExecutionMetrics. |
.gif) |
IDTSExecutionPath100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSExecutionPath. |
.gif) |
IDTSExpression100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the expression. |
.gif) |
IDTSExpressionEvaluator100 |
Infrastructure. Defines the properties and methods for the ExpressionEvaluator object. |
.gif) |
IDTSExtendedProperties100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a collection of IDTSExtendedProperty100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSExtendedProperty100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ExtendedProperty. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachEnumerator100 |
Infrastructure. Defines the properties and methods for the ForEachEnumerator. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachEnumeratorInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachEnumeratorInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachEnumeratorInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the collection of ForEachEnumeratorInfo objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachItem100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the ForEachItem object. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachItemEnumerator100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface of the ForEachItemEnumerator object. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachItems100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the ForEachItems object. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachItemsProvider100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachItemValueEnumerator. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachItemValue100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachItemValue. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachLoop100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface that defines the ForEach loop process. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachVariableMapping100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ForEachVariableMapping. |
.gif) |
IDTSForEachVariableMappings100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface of the ForEachVariableMappings object. |
.gif) |
IDTSForLoop100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the ForLoop process. |
.gif) |
IDTSFtpClientConnection100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the FTP Client Connection. |
.gif) |
IDTSHasInternalProperties100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a DTS internal properties. |
.gif) |
IDTSHttpClientConnection100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see HttpClientConnection100Class. |
.gif) |
IDTSInfoEvents100 |
Infrastructure. Defines an interface that is used to fire informational, warning, and error events. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogEntryInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogEntryInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogEntryInfos100 |
.gif) |
IDTSLogging100 |
Infrastructure. Defines the logging options for the container. |
.gif) |
IDTSLoggingOptions100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface of the DTS logging options. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogProvider100 |
Infrastructure. Implements an interface of a log provider. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogProviderInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogProviderInfos100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderInfos. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogProviderInit100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an initialized log provider. |
.gif) |
IDTSLogProviders100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface of log providers. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedForEachEnumeratorWrapper100 |
Infrastructure. Describes the interface for the ForEach enumerator wrapper. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedHelper100 |
Infrastructure. Specifies an interface of the managed helper. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedPropertyHelper100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a managed property helper. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedSerializer100 |
Infrastructure. Describes the interface for the managed serializer. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedTask100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSManagedTask. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedWrapper100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a DTS managed wrapper. |
.gif) |
IDTSManagedXmlSerializationHelper100 |
Infrastructure. Describes the interface for the XML serialization helper. |
.gif) |
IDTSName100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSName. |
.gif) |
IDTSObjectHost100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see TaskHost. |
.gif) |
IDTSObjectReferenceTracker100 |
Infrastructure. Provides an interface for the analysis regarding the impact and consequences of deleting variables and connections from a package. |
.gif) |
IDTSObjectVersionUpdate100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the version update of data transformatioon services object. |
.gif) |
IDTSODBCHandles100 |
Defines the native interface for the ODBC connection. A reference to this interface is returned from the AcquireConnection method when the ConnectionManager is of type ODBC. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackage100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface implemented by the Package and PackageNeutral interfaces. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackageInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PackageInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackageInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPackageInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackageInternal100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface implemented by the collection of IDTSPackageInternal100 container that need to have the internal property. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackagePath100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSPackagePath. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackagePersist100 |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for the persistence of the package. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackageSigning100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the package signing. |
.gif) |
IDTSPackageVersionUpdate100 |
Infrastructure. Defines a method for the update of the package version. |
.gif) |
IDTSParameter100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the abstract base class used by both package parameter and project parameter. |
.gif) |
IDTSParameters100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a class used by both the package parameters and project parameters collection. |
.gif) |
IDTSPerfRecorder100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the performance recorder. |
.gif) |
IDTSPersist100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface that enables IDTSPersist100 saving and loading data. For more information, see IDTSPersist. |
.gif) |
IDTSPipelineComponentInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PipelineComponentInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSPipelineComponentInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPipelineComponentInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSPrecedenceConstraint100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PrecedenceConstraintClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSPrecedenceConstraints100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPrecedenceConstraint100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSProductLevel100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see DTSProductLevel. |
.gif) |
IDTSProject100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface which contains packages and parameters. |
.gif) |
IDTSProjectAccessor100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the DTS project assessor. |
.gif) |
IDTSProjectConnectionsCreator100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a connections creator of a DTS project. |
.gif) |
IDTSProjectPackage100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a DTS project which contains packages. |
.gif) |
IDTSProperties100 |
Infrastructure. Contains a collection of IDTSProperty100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSPropertiesProvider100 |
Infrastructure. Defines an interface, inherited by containers, that enables properties to be set by an expression, and allows an enumerable collection of properties to be associated with the container. |
.gif) |
IDTSPropertiesProviderEx100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the DTS properties provider expressions. |
.gif) |
IDTSProperty100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the DtsProperty object. |
.gif) |
IDTSRunningPackage100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see RunningPackage. |
.gif) |
IDTSRunningPackages100 |
Infrastructure. Contains a collection of IDTSRunningPackage100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSRuntimeObject100 |
Infrastructure. This interface is inherited by native classes that are containers, and implemented by all objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace. For more information, see DtsObject. |
.gif) |
IDTSSelectedLogProviders100 |
Infrastructure. Defines an interface for a collection of selected IDTSLogProvider100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSSequence100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see Sequence. |
.gif) |
IDTSServerExecution100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an instance of execution in the Integration Services catalog. |
.gif) |
IDTSServerUsageControl100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties for controlling DTS server usage. |
.gif) |
IDTSSupportDataTapConfiguration100 |
Infrastructure. Provides methods for accessing data tap configuration. |
.gif) |
IDTSSupportOffline100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties for indicating whether DTS connection supports offline mode. |
.gif) |
IDTSSupportParentExecutionPath100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the support for the parent execution path. |
.gif) |
IDTSSupportPerfRecorder100 |
Infrastructure. Represents the interface for the support for the performance recorder. |
.gif) |
IDTSSupportVerboseLogging100 |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for accessing the verbose logging. |
.gif) |
IDTSSuspend100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see IDTSSuspend. |
.gif) |
IDTSTask100 |
Infrastructure. Defines a property and methods for all the tasks in Integration Services. |
.gif) |
IDTSTaskCreator100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the creator of a task. |
.gif) |
IDTSTaskHost100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see TaskHostClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSTaskInfo100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see TaskInfo. |
.gif) |
IDTSTaskInfos100 |
Infrastructure. Contains a collection of IDTSTaskInfo100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSTaskInit100 |
Infrastructure. Defines a method for the task to initialize. |
.gif) |
IDTSUnsafeVariables100 |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for all unsafe variables. |
.gif) |
IDTSVariable100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the variable on a package, task or container. |
.gif) |
IDTSVariableCreator100 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for the creator of a variable. |
.gif) |
IDTSVariableDispenser100 |
Infrastructure. Represents a variable dispenser class. For more information, see VariableDispenserClass. |
.gif) |
IDTSVariableLock100 |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for the lock of variable. |
.gif) |
IDTSVariables100 |
Infrastructure. Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSVariable100 objects. |
.gif) |
IDTSWarning100 |
Infrastructure. For more information, see DtsWarning. |
.gif) |
IDTSWarnings100 |
Infrastructure. Defines a properties and methods for the collection of warning. |
.gif) |
ISequentialStream |
Infrastructure. Defines methods for the stream objects in sequence. |
.gif) |
IStream |
Infrastructure. Provides an interface that supports reading and writing data to stream objects. |
.gif) |
ITaskSupportProject100 |
Infrastructure. Defines method for the task that supports a project. |
.gif) |
LogProviderEventLog |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderEventLogClass. |
.gif) |
LogProviderHost |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderHostClass. |
.gif) |
LogProviderSQLProfiler |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderSQLProfilerClass. |
.gif) |
LogProviderSQLServer |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderSQLServerClass. |
.gif) |
LogProviderTextFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderTextFileClass. |
.gif) |
LogProviderXMLFile |
Infrastructure. For more information, see LogProviderXMLFileClass. |
.gif) |
Package |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PackageClass. |
.gif) |
PackageNeutral |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PackageNeutralClass. |
.gif) |
PackageRemote32 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for a remote 32-bit package. |
.gif) |
PackageRemote64 |
Infrastructure. Represents an interface for a remote 64-bit package. |
.gif) |
Parameter |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ParameterClass. |
.gif) |
PrecedenceConstraint |
Infrastructure. For more information, see PrecedenceConstraintClass. |
.gif) |
ProjectConnectionsCreator |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ProjectConnectionsCreatorClass. |
.gif) |
ProjectConnectionsCreatorNeutral |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ProjectConnectionsCreatorNeutralClass. |
.gif) |
ReplacementTask |
Infrastructure. For more information, see ReplacementTaskClass. |
.gif) |
Sequence |
Infrastructure. For more information, see SequenceClass. |
.gif) |
TaskCreator32 |
Infrastructure. Represents a 32-bit task creator. |
.gif) |
TaskCreator64 |
Infrastructure. Represents a task creator class. |
.gif) |
TaskHost |
Infrastructure. For more information, see TaskHostClass. |
.gif) |
Variable |
Infrastructure. For more information, see VariableClass. |
.gif) |
VariableCreator |
Infrastructure. Represents the creator of a variable. |
.gif) |
VariableDispenser |
Infrastructure. For more information, see VariableDispenserClass. |