.gif) |
AgentApplication |
Infrastructure. Represents the application of the replication agent. |
.gif) |
AgentCore |
Implements the core functionality for managed replication agents. |
.gif) |
AgentJobHistoryInfo |
Returns information about the results of the last run of a replication agent. |
.gif) |
AgentProfile |
Encapsulates all operations on replication agent profiles, such as creating, deleting, adding, and removing parameters, and assigning specific profiles to certain agents. |
.gif) |
AgentProfileParameter |
Represents parameters in a replication agent profile. |
.gif) |
AgentProfileParameterInfo |
Represents a supported parameter used in replication agent profiles. |
.gif) |
AlternateSynchronizationPartner |
Represents an alternate Publisher to which a subscription can be synchronized if the primary Publisher is not available. |
.gif) |
Article |
Represents the base class from which the TransArticle class and MergeArticle class are derived. |
.gif) |
ArticleConflict |
Represents information about a merge replication conflict table. |
.gif) |
BusinessLogicHandler |
Represents the server registration for the managed code assembly that implements a business logic handler. |
.gif) |
ComErrorException |
The exception that is thrown when a general error is raised by a replication agent. |
.gif) |
ComErrorRecord |
Represents information for an error generated by a replication agent. |
.gif) |
ConnectionFailureException |
The exception that is thrown when a database connection fails when a replication agent is running. |
.gif) |
ConnectionSecurityContext |
Represents information you use when you connect to Microsoft SQL Server. |
.gif) |
CustomResolver |
Represents a COM-based resolver registration at a server in a merge replication topology. |
.gif) |
DistributionArticle |
Represents information about an article published in a transactional or snapshot publication stored at the Distributor. |
.gif) |
DistributionArticleCollection |
Represents a collection of DistributionArticle objects. |
.gif) |
DistributionDatabase |
Represents a distribution database at the Distributor. |
.gif) |
DistributionDatabaseCollection |
Represents a collection of DistributionDatabase objects. |
.gif) |
DistributionPublication |
Represents information about a transactional or snapshot publication stored at the Distributor. |
.gif) |
DistributionPublicationCollection |
Represents a collection of DistributionPublication objects. |
.gif) |
DistributionPublisher |
Represents information about a Publisher registered at the currently connected Distributor. |
.gif) |
DistributionPublisherCollection |
Represents a collection of DistributionPublisher objects. |
.gif) |
DistributionSubscription |
Represents information stored at the Distributor about a subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication. |
.gif) |
DistributionSubscriptionCollection |
Represents a collection of DistributionSubscription objects. |
.gif) |
FciException |
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the File Compression Interface (FCI). |
.gif) |
HeterogeneousColumn |
Represents a column contained in a table on a non-Microsoft SQL Server Publisher. |
.gif) |
HeterogeneousTable |
Represents a table on a non-Microsoft SQL Server Publisher. |
.gif) |
IdentityRangeInfo |
Structure that represents identity range management settings for a published article when the source table contains identity columns. |
.gif) |
LastValidationDateTime |
Used to return the date and time of the last merge subscription validation. |
.gif) |
LightPublication |
Infrastructure. Represents a light publication. |
.gif) |
MergeArticle |
Represents an article in a merge publication. |
.gif) |
MergeArticleCollection |
Represents a collection of MergeArticle objects. |
.gif) |
MergeConflictCount |
Represents conflict information for a table article in a merge publication. |
.gif) |
MergeDynamicSnapshotJob |
Contains information about the Snapshot Agent job that generates the data snapshot for a subscription to a merge publication with a parameterized row filter. |
.gif) |
MergeJoinFilter |
Represents a join filter or logical record relationship between to merge articles. |
.gif) |
MergePartition |
Represents information about a Subscriber's partition for a merge publication with a parameterized row filter. |
.gif) |
MergePublication |
Represents a merge publication. |
.gif) |
MergePublicationCollection |
Represents a collection of MergePublication objects. |
.gif) |
MergePullSubscription |
Represents a pull subscription to a merge publication. |
.gif) |
MergePullSubscriptionCollection |
Represents a collection of MergePullSubscription objects. |
.gif) |
MergeSessionDetail |
Represents detailed information about a step in a Merge Agent session. |
.gif) |
MergeSessionError |
Represents information on errors that occur during a Merge Agent session. |
.gif) |
MergeSessionSummary |
Represents Merge Agent session information. |
.gif) |
MergeSubscriberMonitor |
Enables Subscriber-side monitoring of subscriptions to merge publications. |
.gif) |
MergeSubscription |
Represents a subscription to a merge publication registered at the Publisher. |
.gif) |
MergeSubscriptionCollection |
Represents a collection of MergeSubscription objects. |
.gif) |
MergeSynchronizationAgent |
Provides the functionality of the Replication Merge Agent. |
.gif) |
MonitorThreshold |
Represents a threshold metric used when monitoring a publication. |
.gif) |
NativeSqlConnectionException |
The exception that is thrown when an error is raised by an ODBC driver or an OLEDB provider during bulk copy operations. |
.gif) |
OciException |
The exception that is thrown when an error is raised by the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). |
.gif) |
OSException |
The exception that is thrown when an error is raised by the operating system during a File Compression Interface (FCI) operation. |
.gif) |
ParameterValueOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown if a value passed to a parameter is out of range for the data type of the parameter. |
.gif) |
PasswordWriteOnlyException |
The exception that is thrown when a replication agent password property is accessed. |
.gif) |
PendingCommandInfo |
Represents information on the number of pending commands for a subscription to a transactional publication and a rough estimate of how much time it takes to process them. |
.gif) |
Publication |
The Publication class is a base class from which the TransPublication class and the MergePublication class are derived. |
.gif) |
PublicationAccess |
Represents login information in the publication access list (PAL) for a publication. |
.gif) |
PublicationArticle |
Represents article information for a published database object. |
.gif) |
PublicationMonitor |
Monitors a publication. |
.gif) |
PublicationMonitorCollection |
A collection of PublicationMonitor objects that represents publications at the Distributor. |
.gif) |
PublisherConnectionSecurityContext |
Represents the login used when connecting to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is configured as a Publisher in a replication topology. |
.gif) |
PublisherMonitor |
Monitors a replication Publisher. |
.gif) |
PublisherMonitorCollection |
Represents a collection of PublisherMonitor objects. |
.gif) |
PullSubscription |
Represents information at the Publisher for a subscription to a merge or a transactional publication when the Synchronization Agent runs at the Subscriber. PullSubscription is a base class from which the TransPullSubscription class and the MergePullSubscription class are derived. |
.gif) |
RegisteredSubscriber |
Represents a Subscriber that has been registered at a Publisher or a Distributor. |
.gif) |
RegisteredSubscriberCollection |
Represents a collection of RegisteredSubscriber objects. |
.gif) |
ReplicationAgentContainerException |
The exception that is thrown when one or more errors are generated by a managed code-based replication agent. |
.gif) |
ReplicationAgentContainerWithWatsonException |
Infrastructure. Represents the exception that is thrown when one or more errors are generated by a managed code-based replication agent using Watson. |
.gif) |
ReplicationAgentException |
The base exception class for exceptions generated during replication agent execution. |
.gif) |
ReplicationAgentSchedule |
Represents the schedule for a replication agent job. |
.gif) |
ReplicationBaseCollection |
The base class that is used in the construction of replication object collections. It contains functionality that is common to the replication object collections. |
.gif) |
ReplicationColumn |
Represents a column object in a table that contains information needed by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationDatabase |
Represents a publication or subscription database in a replication topology. |
.gif) |
ReplicationDatabaseCollection |
Represents a collection of ReplicationDatabase objects. |
.gif) |
ReplicationMonitor |
Monitors a replication server. |
.gif) |
ReplicationObject |
Abstract class that is the base class for all classes in the Replication Management Objects (RMO) programming interface. |
.gif) |
ReplicationSchemaBoundView |
Represents a schema-bound view and contains information needed by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationServer |
Represents an instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is involved in replication. It can take the role of Distributor, Publisher, Subscriber, or any combination of them. |
.gif) |
ReplicationStatusAndWarning |
Represents replication agent status information and threshold monitor warnings. |
.gif) |
ReplicationStoredProcedure |
Represents information on a stored procedure object that is required by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationTable |
Represents information on a table object that is required by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationUserDefinedAggregate |
Represents a user-defined aggregate function and contains information needed by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationUserDefinedFunction |
Represents a user-defined function and contains information needed by replication. |
.gif) |
ReplicationView |
Represents information on a view object that is required by replication. |
.gif) |
ResourceStrings |
Infrastructure. Represents the resource strings used in replication. |
.gif) |
SnapshotGenerationAgent |
Provides the functionality of the Replication Snapshot Agent. |
.gif) |
StatusEventArgs |
Represents status information returned by a replication agent when the Status event occurs. |
.gif) |
SubscriberSubscription |
Returns information about a subscription. |
.gif) |
Subscription |
Represents information at the Publisher for a subscription to either a merge or a transactional publication. Subscription is a base class from which the TransSubscription class and the MergeSubscription class are derived. |
.gif) |
SubscriptionBackupInformation |
Represents information required to initialize a subscription from a backup. |
.gif) |
SynchronizationPartner |
Represents an alternate Publisher used to synchronize a subscription to a merge publication. |
.gif) |
TracerToken |
Represents tracer token information. |
.gif) |
TransArticle |
Represents an article in a transactional publication. |
.gif) |
TransArticleCollection |
Represents a collection of TransArticle objects. |
.gif) |
TransConflictCount |
Represents returned conflict information for a table article in a publication that supports queued updating subscriptions. |
.gif) |
TransPublication |
Represents a transactional publication. |
.gif) |
TransPublicationCollection |
Represents a collection of TransPublication objects. |
.gif) |
TransPullSubscription |
Represents a pull subscription to a transactional publication. |
.gif) |
TransPullSubscriptionCollection |
Represents a collection of TransPullSubscription objects. |
.gif) |
TransSubscription |
Represents a push subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication. |
.gif) |
TransSubscriptionCollection |
Represents a collection of TransSubscription objects. |
.gif) |
TransSynchronizationAgent |
Provides the functionality of the Replication Distribution Agent. |