.gif) |
Action |
The runtime class for the Action class. Each instance of this class represents a row in sys.server_event_session_actions. |
.gif) |
Action.Key |
Represents the SQL Foundation Class key class used for identification of an Action object. |
.gif) |
ActionCollection |
Represents SQL Server Foundation classes (SFC) collection of Action objects. |
.gif) |
ActionInfo |
Represents metadata for an Action object. |
.gif) |
ActionInfo.Key |
Represents the key class for identification of an ActionInfo object. |
.gif) |
ActionInfoCollection |
Represents the SQL Server Foundation Class collection for the ActionInfo class. |
.gif) |
DataEventColumnInfo |
Represents a data column of an EventInfo object. |
.gif) |
DataEventColumnInfo.Key |
The identity key of the column associated with this DataEventColumnInfo. |
.gif) |
DataEventColumnInfoCollection |
Represents a collection of DataEventColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
Event |
Represents the runtime class for XEvent objects. Each instance of this class represents a row in sys.server_event_session_events. |
.gif) |
Event.Key |
An SfcKey class for identification of an Event. |
.gif) |
EventCollection |
SQL Server Foundation classes (SFC) collection class of XEvent objects. |
.gif) |
EventColumnInfo |
Represents a customizable column of an EventInfo object. |
.gif) |
EventColumnInfo.Key |
Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. |
.gif) |
EventColumnInfoCollection |
Represents a collection of EventColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
EventField |
Represents a row in sys.server_event_session_fields. |
.gif) |
EventField.Key |
Represents the identity key for an EventField object. |
.gif) |
EventFieldCollection |
Represents a collection class for EventField objects. |
.gif) |
EventInfo |
Metadata class for the XEvent class and the parent class for EventColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
EventInfo.Key |
SQL Foundation Class key class that identifies an EventInfo object. |
.gif) |
EventInfoCollection |
SQL Server Foundation Class collection class for EventInfo objects. |
.gif) |
MapInfo |
Metadata for MapInfo class. |
.gif) |
MapInfo.Key |
Represents the identity key for a MapInfo.Key object. |
.gif) |
MapInfoCollection |
Collection class for MapInfo objects. |
.gif) |
MapValueInfo |
Represents a record in sys.dm_xe_map_values. |
.gif) |
MapValueInfo.Key |
Internal key for the MapValueInfo class. |
.gif) |
MapValueInfoCollection |
Collection class for MapValueInfo objects. |
.gif) |
Package |
Metadata for other information classes such as EventInfo, TargetInfo, ActionInfo, and others listed in Remarks. |
.gif) |
Package.Key |
A SQL Foundation Class key that identifies a Package object. |
.gif) |
PackageCollection |
Represents the SQL Foundation Class collection for Package objects. |
.gif) |
PredCompareExpr |
Represents a predicate expression that can be used in a conditional statement. |
.gif) |
PredCompareInfo |
Metadata class for PredCompare objects. |
.gif) |
PredCompareInfo.Key |
An SQL Foundation Class key for identification of PredCompareInfo objects. |
.gif) |
PredCompareInfoCollection |
Sql Foundation Class collection for PredCompareInfo objects. |
.gif) |
PredExpr |
Represents the abstract base class for the PredCompareExpr class. |
.gif) |
PredFunctionExpr |
Represents the function expression in a predicate. |
.gif) |
Predicate |
Represents the abstract base class for all predicate classes. |
.gif) |
PredLogicalExpr |
Represents a predicate that can be used in an expression. |
.gif) |
PredOperand |
Represents a predicate operand. A predicate operand can be a DataEventColumnInfo object or a PredSourceInfo object. |
.gif) |
PredSourceInfo |
Represents pred_source objects in sys.dm_xe_objects. |
.gif) |
PredSourceInfo.Key |
A SQL Foundation Class key for identification of PredSourceInfo objects. |
.gif) |
PredSourceInfoCollection |
Represents the collection class for PredSourceInfo objects. |
.gif) |
PredValue |
Represents an rvalue in PredCompareExpr object or the second parameter in the PredFunctionExpr object. |
.gif) |
ReadOnlyEventColumnInfo |
Represents a readonly column of an EventInfo object. |
.gif) |
ReadOnlyEventColumnInfo.Key |
A SQL Foundation Class key for identification of ReadOnlyEventColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
ReadOnlyEventColumnInfoCollection |
Represents a collection class for ReadOnlyEventColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
Session |
Represents a row in sys.server_event_sessions and includes data from sys.dm_xe_sessions if running. |
.gif) |
Session.Key |
Internal identity key class for Session class. |
.gif) |
SessionCollection |
Represents the collection for Session objects. |
.gif) |
Target |
Represents the runtime class for Target objects. Each instance of this class represents a row in sys.server_event_session_targets. |
.gif) |
Target.Key |
A key class for identification of Target objects. |
.gif) |
TargetCollection |
SQL Server Foundation Class collection for Target objects. |
.gif) |
TargetColumnInfo |
Represents a customizable column of a TargetInfo object. |
.gif) |
TargetColumnInfo.Key |
An identity key class for TargetColumnInfo objects. |
.gif) |
TargetColumnInfoCollection |
SQL Foundation Class collection for the TargetColumnInfo class. |
.gif) |
TargetField |
Represents a row in sys.server_event_session_fields. |
.gif) |
TargetField.Key |
A key class for identification of TargetField objects. |
.gif) |
TargetFieldCollection |
SQL Foundation Class collection for TargetField objects. |
.gif) |
TargetInfo |
Represents target objects in sys.dm_xe_objects. |
.gif) |
TargetInfo.Key |
Represents the identity key for a TargetInfo object. |
.gif) |
TargetInfoCollection |
Represents a collection class for TargetInfo objects. |
.gif) |
TypeInfo |
Represents type objects in sys.dm_xe_objects. |
.gif) |
TypeInfo.Key |
An SfcKey class for identification of TargetInfo objects. |
.gif) |
TypeInfoCollection |
Represents the collection class for TypeInfo objects. |
.gif) |
XEStore |
The XEStore class is the base class for all metadata classes and runtime classes. |
.gif) |
XEStore.Key |
Represents an SfcKey class. |
.gif) |
XEStore.ObjectMetadata |
Provides helper methods over the metadata hierarchy objects. |
.gif) |
XEventException |
Base exception class for all XEventException classes. |