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Membres ScriptObjectModel

Gives the developer of the Script task programmatic access to objects defined in the package through the global Dts object. The Dts object is an instance of the ScriptObjectModel class.

Le type ScriptObjectModel expose les membres suivants.


  Nom Description
Méthode publique Equals (Hérité de Object.)
Méthode protégée Finalize (Hérité de Object.)
Méthode publique GetHashCode (Hérité de Object.)
Méthode publique GetType (Hérité de Object.)
Méthode publique Log Logs an entry to all enabled log providers.
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone (Hérité de Object.)
Méthode publique ToString (Hérité de Object.)

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  Nom Description
Propriété publique Connections Returns the Connections collection of existing connections defined in the package that contains the Script task.
Propriété publique Events Returns the IDTSComponentEvents collection of existing events defined in the package that contains the Script task.
Propriété publique ExecutionValue Gets or sets a user-defined object that provides additional information about the results of task execution.
Propriété publique TaskResult Returns the DTSExecResult of the Script task.
Propriété publique Transaction Returns the transaction associated with the container of the Script task.
Propriété publique VariableDispenser Returns the VariableDispenser that can be used within the Script task to work with existing variables.
Propriété publique Variables Returns the Variables collection of existing variables defined in the package that contains the Script task.

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