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Espace de noms Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace contains the classes and interfaces to create packages, custom tasks, and other package control flow elements.


  Classe Description
Classe publique Application Discovers and accesses Package objects. It can also access collections and properties that contain information about the system.
Classe publique BatchUpgradeOptions Specifies the options that the Upgrade method will apply to a list of Integration Services packages during the upgrade process.
Classe publique BreakpointManager Manages all the breakpoints that are set in on a task. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique BreakpointTarget Contains information on breakpoints that are set in the package. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique BreakpointTargetEnumerator Creates a BreakpointTargetEnumerator for the BreakpointTargets collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique BreakpointTargets Contains a collection of BreakpointTarget objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Configuration Represents a configuration class that contains information about how a package is configured. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConfigurationEnumerator Supports iteration over the Configurations collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Configurations Represents a collection of Configuration objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionEnumerator Supports iteration over the Connections collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionInfo Contains information about the connections available on the computer. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the Connections collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionInfos Contains information about all the connections on the computer. The collection contains ConnectionInfo objects that provide the details about each connection. The collection is available using the Application class. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionManager Provides the information that you must have to connect to a data source. All classes that inherit from the ConnectionManager contain the same properties and methods. The ConnectionManager class isolates the implementation details of the different connection types from the runtime. This enables the runtime to interact with each connection manager in a consistent and predictable manner. Connection managers contain a set of stock properties that all connections have in common, such as the Name, ID, Description, and ConnectionString. However, each connection type has additional properties that are specific to that connection type. These can be accessed through the Properties collection.This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ConnectionManagerBase Represents the abstract base class for connection managers.
Classe publique Connections Contains a collection of ConnectionManager objects that are accessed through the Package object. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DataTypeInfo Contains members that return information regarding the data type of any SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) object for an Application. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DataTypeInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the DataTypeInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DataTypeInfos Contains a collection of DataTypeInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DBProviderInfo Contains information about a database provider. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DBProviderInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the DBProviderInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DBProviderInfos Contains a collection of DBProviderInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DefaultEvents Defines the default events that are provided by the Integration Services run-time.
Classe publique DtsComException The exception that Integration Services raises when a COM error occurs.
Classe publique DtsComponentException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in a component.
Classe publique DtsConnectionAttribute Supplies design time information about a ConnectionManager object.
Classe publique DtsConnectionException The exception that is thrown when there is an error in a connection.
Classe publique DtsContainer Defines an abstract base class that implements the properties and methods used by all containers and packages.
Classe publique DtsConvert Provides conversion methods to convert managed Integation Services run-time objects to their native implementations and from native to managed implementations. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsCouldNotCreateManagedConnectionException The exception that specifies that a managed connection could not be created. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsCouldNotCreateManagedForEachEnumeratorException The exception that specifies that a managed ForEach enumerator could not be created. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsEnumerator Defines an abstract base class that implements the IEnumerator methods.
Classe publique DtsError Contains information about an error that occurred during execution. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsErrors Represents a collection of DtsError objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsEventHandler A container on a package or other containers that holds executables to run when specific events occur. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsEventHandlerEnumerator Supports iteration over the DtsEventHandlers collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsEventHandlers A collection of DtsEventHandler objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsException Defines a generic exception class that, depending on the error code returned, creates a class specific to the type of exception that occurred.
Classe publique DtsExponentTooLargeException An exception class that is thrown when the X.509 certification key on a package is invalid.
Classe publique DtsForEachEnumeratorAttribute Supplies design-time information about a ForEachEnumerator object. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsGenericException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs and the error is not handled by any other exception class.
Classe publique DtsInvalidBreakpointSiteException The exception that is thrown to specify that there is an invalid breakpoint. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsLogProviderAttribute Supplies design time information about a LogProvider object.
Classe publique DtsNoConnectionAssignedException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the correct type.
Classe publique DtsNoForEachEnumAssignedException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the type ForEachEnumerator.
Classe publique DtsNoLogProviderAssignedException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the type LogProvider.
Classe publique DtsNoObjectAssignedException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the correct type.
Classe publique DtsNotAConnectionException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the correct type.
Classe publique DtsNotAForEachEnumException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the type ForEachEnumerator.
Classe publique DtsNotALogProviderException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the type LogProvider.
Classe publique DtsNotAManagedEnumeratorException The exception that is thrown to specify that the enumerator is not a managed enumerator. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsNoTaskAssignedException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the correct type.
Classe publique DtsNotATaskException The exception that is thrown to specify that an internal error occurred when a managed wrapper is used for a native object that is not of the correct type.
Classe publique DtsObject Defines an abstract base class that contains the members that are common to all the objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace.
Classe publique DtsPipelineException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the pipeline.
Classe publique DtsProperties Contains a collection of DtsProperty objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsProperty Contains properties and methods used by several containers on their properties. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsPropertyAttribute Infrastructure.
Classe publique DTSReadOnlyCollectionBase Defines an abstract base class that implements the common members used by all Integration Services read-only collections. It provides the abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for a strongly typed collection.
Classe publique DtsRuntimeException The exception that is thrown when there is an error in the control flow.
Classe publique DtsScriptingException The exception that is thrown when there is an error in a script task.
Classe publique DtsSqlException The exception that is thrown when there is an error in a SQL Task.
Classe publique DtsTaskAttribute Supplies design time information about a Task object.
Classe publique DtsTaskException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in a task.
Classe publique DtsToolsException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs in one of the tools.
Classe publique DtsWarning Contains the properties used when a warning occurs. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique DtsWarnings Contains a collection of DtsWarning objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique EmptyEnumerator Provides an empty enumerator that is returned by the Integration Services runtime when there are no elements in the collection to enumerate over.
Classe publique EnumReferencedObjects Infrastructure.
Classe publique ErrorEnumerator Supports iteration over the DtsErrors collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique EventInfo Contains information about an event. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique EventInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the EventInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique EventInfos Contains a collection of EventInfo objects. The run-time engine exposes an EventInfos collection on all containers in the package hierarchy. The collection that a task receives is a reference to EventInfos collection on the TaskHost that is wrapping the task. Other containers' EventInfos collections contain aggregated contents of their children’s EventInfos collections. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique EventsProvider Defines an abstract class that contains a collection of event handler containers and the EventInfos collection. This class routes events to those event handlers when an event is received.
Classe publique Executable Defines an abstract class that provides the methods that all objects that are run by the run-time engine are required to inherit and implement.
Classe publique ExecutableEnumerator Supports iteration over the Executables collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Executables Contains a collection of Executable objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ExtendedProperties Contains a collection of ExtendedProperty objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ExtendedProperty This class contains members that hold additional information about a package.
Classe publique ExtendedPropertyEnumerator Supports iteration over the ExtendedProperties collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique FlatFileColumn Contains information that defines the properties of columns in a flat file source or destination data adapter. The flat file adapter is used for accessing data in flat files. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachEnumerator Enumerates over the items that the ForEachLoop is assigned to iterate over.
Classe publique ForEachEnumeratorHost Defines the host class for the ForEachEnumerator. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachEnumeratorInfo Contains information about the ForEachEnumerator. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachEnumeratorInfos A collection of ForEachEnumeratorInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachEnumeratorInfosEnumerator Supports iteration over the ForEachEnumeratorInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachEnumeratorUI Provides information for controlling the graphical user interface of the ForEachEnumerator.
Classe publique ForEachLoop Provides a container that defines an iterative workflow in a package using the foreach iteration statement.
Classe publique ForEachVariableMapping Maps each variable to the value or expression that it holds. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachVariableMappingEnumerator Supports iteration over the ForEachVariableMappings collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForEachVariableMappings Contains a collection of ForEachVariableMapping objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ForLoop Provides a container that defines an iterative workflow in a package, using the for iteration statement.
Classe publique FtpClientConnection Downloads and uploads data files and manages directories on servers. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique HResults Contains all event messages and HRESULTs for the Integration Services runtime, pipeline, stock tasks, and stock transforms.
Classe publique HttpClientConnection Contains properties and methods that enable a package to access a Web server using the HTTP protocol to send or receive files. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogEntryInfo Contains properties that describe a log entry. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogEntryInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the LogEntryInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogEntryInfos Contains a collection of LogEntryInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LoggingOptions Contains members that regulate what information is included or excluded from logging. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProvider Contains information about a log provider associated with a package. All log providers associated with a package are located in the LogProviders collection. For log providers on the computer, use the Application class and view the LogProviderInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProviderBase Defines the abstract base class for managed log providers.
Classe publique LogProviderEnumerator Supports iteration over the LogProviders collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProviderInfo Provides information about the log providers found on the computer. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProviderInfoEnumerator Supports a simple iteration over the LogProviderInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProviderInfos Contains a collection of LogProviderInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique LogProviders Contains a collection of LogProvider objects associated with the package. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique ManagedForEachEnumeratorWrapper Infrastructure.
Classe publique ManagedHelper Infrastructure.
Classe publique ManagedHelper. . :: . .ManagedPropertyHelper Infrastructure.
Classe publique ManagedWrapper Infrastructure.
Classe publique ManagerSerializer Infrastructure.
Classe publique ObjectReferenceTracker Provides analysis regarding the impact and consequences of deleting variables and connections from a package. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Package Represents the package container. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PackageInfo Contains properties that return all the information relating to a package, such as the date it was created, version numbers, and package size. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PackageInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the PackageInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PackageInfos Contains a collection of packages found in Microsoft SQL Server or the Integration Services service. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PackageUpgradeOptions Specifies the options to be applied when an Integration Services package is upgraded.
Classe publique PackageUpgradeResult This class specifies the upgrade results for a package.
Classe publique PipelineComponentInfo Contains properties that describe a pipeline component that is currently installed on the local computer and are ready to be used in a pipeline.
Classe publique PipelineComponentInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the PipelineComponentInfos collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PipelineComponentInfos Contains a collection of PipelineComponentInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PrecedenceConstraint Specifies the properties for configuring a precedence constraint between two containers. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PrecedenceConstraintEnumerator Supports a simple iteration over the PrecedenceConstraints collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PrecedenceConstraints Contains a collection of PrecedenceConstraints objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique PropertyEnumerator Supports iteration over the DtsProperties collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique RunningPackage Provides a reference to the run-time package to use from the Integration Services service. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique RunningPackages Contains a collection of RunningPackage objects. This collection contains the list of packages that were running when the GetRunningPackages method was called, and is not updated when a new package starts or a listed package terminates. If you need a new snapshot, you should call GetRunningPackages again. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique RunningPackagesEnumerator Supports iteration over the RunningPackages collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique SelectedLogProviders Contains a collection of LogProvider objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Sequence Defines a control flow that is a subset of the package control flow. Use Sequence containers to group the package into multiple separate control flows that each contain one or more tasks and containers that run within the overall package control flow. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique StorageInfo Fournit des informations sur l'emplacement de stockage pour les packages Integration Services d'origine ou mis à niveau.
Classe publique Task Defines an abstract class that implements the methods and properties common to all tasks in Integration Services. 
Classe publique TaskHost Provides a container that encapsulates a single task. In the SSIS Designer, the TaskHost is not configured separately; instead, it is configured when you set the properties of the task it encapsulates.
Classe publique TaskInfo Contains information about a task installed on the local computer.
Classe publique TaskInfoEnumerator Supports iteration over the TaskInfo collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique TaskInfos Contains a collection of TaskInfo objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique UpgradePackageInfo Stores information about an Integration Services package that is to be upgraded.
Classe publique UpgradeResult Determines the result of upgrading a collection of Integration Services packages.
Classe publique Variable Represents a variable on a package, task, or container. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique VariableDispenser Accesses the Variables collection during package execution. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique VariableEnumerator Supports iteration over the Variables collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique Variables Contains a collection of Variables objects, which are accessed through several objects. This class cannot be inherited.
Classe publique WarningEnumerator Supports iteration over the DtsWarnings collection. This class cannot be inherited.


  Structure Description
Structure publique DTSEventColumnFilter Contains a field for every column that you can put into a log entry. To select columns for writing into the log, set the field's value to true. Set the value to false for every field you do not want added to the log entry.
Structure publique StatusMessage Specifies the warning and error messages that result from upgrading an Integration Services package.


  Interface Description
Interface publique IDTSBreakpointSite Defines the interaction between the Integration Services run-time engine and the task for exposing breakpoints and for creating and managing custom breakpoints.
Interface publique IDTSComponentEvents Defines an interface that provides event firing.
Interface publique IDTSComponentPersist Allows properties and settings for components and tasks to be saved and loaded from the package XML.
Interface publique IDTSDowngradableObject Infrastructure.
Interface publique IDTSEvents Defines a set of events used by the TaskHost on behalf of a task.
Interface publique IDTSExecutionMetrics Defines the metrics used to track the execution of a container.
Interface publique IDTSForEachEnumerator Provides the methods and properties for the ForEachEnumerator.
Interface publique IDTSForEachEnumeratorUI Contains the members implemented by the ForEachEnumeratorUI user interface class.
Interface publique IDTSInfoEvents Defines an interface that is used to fire informational, warning, and error events.
Interface publique IDTSLogging Defines the logging options for a container.
Interface publique IDTSManagedTask Defines an interface implemented on task classes to identify the class as a managed task.
Interface publique IDTSName Defines properties commonly used by many objects in the Integration Services runtime. The common properties of named objects include a name, a creation name, an ID (GUID), and a description.
Interface publique IDTSObjectHost Defines an interface that allows components to be treated as generic host objects.
Interface publique IDTSPackagePath Defines an interface implemented by containers that need to have the package path returned into a property.
Interface publique IDTSPersist Defines an interface that enables saving and loading data.
Interface publique IDTSPropertiesProvider Defines an interface, inherited by containers, that enables properties to be set by an expression, and allows an enumerable collection of properties to be associated with the container.
Interface publique IDTSSequence Contains two collections used by containers.
Interface publique IDTSSuspend Provides methods and properties that are called by the run-time engine to notify tasks to suspend execution.


  Énumération Description
Énumération publique ActionOnExistType Defines the behavior that occurs when an upgrade package has the same name as an existing Integration Services package.
Énumération publique DTSBreakpointHitTest Enumerates the values for the hit count types. This class works with the BreakpointTarget class.
Énumération publique DTSCheckpointUsage Specifies values that describe if, or when, a package is restarted.
Énumération publique DTSConfigurationType Specifies the ways that a configuration for a package can be saved.
Énumération publique DTSEventFilterKind Describes the kind of event filter that is set on logging.
Énumération publique DTSExecResult Provides values that describe the result of a task execution.
Énumération publique DTSExecStatus Contains values that indicate the current status of task execution or a container object at the time of the call.
Énumération publique DTSExecutionLocation Infrastructure.
Énumération publique DTSFileConnectionUsageType Provides information about how a connection is used by a component client.
Énumération publique DTSForcedExecResult Specifies the execution result of a container when the container's ForceExecutionValue is set to true.
Énumération publique DTSLogEntryFrequency Provides information to assist in log planning. You pick the hint that most closely corresponds to the frequency that you expect to generate a particular log entry in your task. This enumeration property then assists users of the package when they want to set up filtering of log entries. The user can view the property, and know in advance if there will be an overwhelming number of entries of a particular type, and plan accordingly.
Énumération publique DTSLoggingMode Specifies the logging behavior of the container. The container can turn on logging, disable logging, or specify that the setting to use is the setting found on the parent container.
Énumération publique DTSObjectHostType Describes the type of container that is hosting the other task or container.
Énumération publique DTSObjectReferenceType Specifies the types of objects that the ObjectReferenceTracker class will provide impact analysis for. This enumeration is used by the EnumReferencedObjects class, which in turn is used by the Package class in its FindReferencedObjects method.
Énumération publique DTSPackageInfoFlags Describes whether a package is a folder or package. It is used for setting a valid value in the Flags property.
Énumération publique DTSPackageType Identifies the tool that created the package.
Énumération publique DTSPipelineComponentType Classifies pipeline components by category.
Énumération publique DTSPrecedenceEvalOp Indicates the evaluation operations that the precedence constraint uses.
Énumération publique DTSPriorityClass Describes the priority of a thread in a class.
Énumération publique DTSProductLevel Specifies the SQL Server product edition. 
Énumération publique DTSPropertyKind Contains values that describe the type of property.
Énumération publique DTSProtectionLevel Controls the handling of sensitive information in the package.
Énumération publique DTSProviderSubType Identifies a specific OLE DB provider. The enumeration value also identifies the data type format used by that provider when the ProviderType is OLE DB.
Énumération publique DTSProviderType Describes the kind of provider that is stored.
Énumération publique DTSSignatureStatus Describes the status of the digital signature.
Énumération publique DTSTransactionOption Describes transaction supportability and specifies whether a container participates in transactions.
Énumération publique StorageType Defines the type of storage to which upgraded Integration Services packages will be saved.
Énumération publique UpgradeResultStatus Defines the results of upgrading an Integration Services package.