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Classe MdxScript

An MDX script is a collection of commands, which is usually used to populate a cube with calculations. This class cannot be inherited.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly :  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (dans Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class MdxScript _
    Inherits MajorObject _
    Implements IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent,  _
    IDisposable, ICloneable
Dim instance As MdxScript
public sealed class MdxScript : MajorObject, 
    IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, 
public ref class MdxScript sealed : public MajorObject, 
    IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, 
type MdxScript =  
        inherit MajorObject
        interface IMajorObject
        interface INamedComponent
        interface IModelComponent
        interface IComponent
        interface IDisposable
        interface ICloneable
public final class MdxScript extends MajorObject implements IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, ICloneable

Sécurité des threads

Tous les membres publics static (Shared dans Visual Basic) de ce type sont thread-safe. Il n'est pas garanti que les membres d'instance soient thread-safe.