Permission Object
Cette fonctionnalité sera supprimée dans une prochaine version de Microsoft SQL Server. Évitez d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité dans de nouveaux travaux de développement et prévoyez de modifier les applications qui utilisent actuellement cette fonctionnalité.
The Permission object exposes Microsoft SQL Server object-access rights.
The Permission object is contained within SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) list objects and is used solely for reporting object-access rights. For example, the Table object has Permissions and UserPermissions lists reporting the access rights to a specific SQL Server table. Membership in these object lists is affected by granting, revoking, or denying object-specific access rights to SQL Server users and database roles. You can use the containing object's Grant, Revoke, and Deny methods to control SQL Server access rights and affect list membership.
All properties of the Permission object are read-only.
The Permission object is compatible with instances of SQL Server versions 7.0 and later. However, the Permission2 object extends the functionality of the Permission object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.