Cette fonctionnalité sera supprimée dans la prochaine version de Microsoft SQL Server. Évitez d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité dans de nouveaux travaux de développement, et modifiez dès que possible les applications qui utilisent actuellement cette fonctionnalité.
Enumerates values for the LevelType property.
Constant |
Description |
levAccount |
Indicates that a level exists within an account dimension. |
levAll |
Indicates the top (All) level of a dimension (the one that precalculates all the members of all lower levels). |
levBOMResource |
Indicates that a level is part of a bill of materials dimension. |
levChannel |
Indicates that a level exists within a distribution channel dimension. |
levCompany |
Indicates that a level contains information about a company. |
levCurrencyDestination |
Indicates that a level contains information about the resulting currency after a foreign exchange conversion. |
levCurrencySource |
Indicates that a level contains information about the starting currency before a foreign exchange conversion. |
levCustomer |
Indicates that a level contains information about an individual customer. |
levCustomerGroup |
Indicates that a level contains information about a customer group. |
levCustomerHousehold |
Indicates that a level contains information about an entire household. |
levGeoCity |
Indicates that a level refers to a city name. |
levGeoContinent |
Indicates that a level refers to a continent name. |
levGeoCountry |
Indicates that a level refers to a country or region name. |
levGeoCounty |
Indicates that a level refers to a county name. |
levGeoPoint |
Indicates that a level refers to a location type that does not fit into the other geographic categories. |
levGeoPostalCode |
Indicates that a level refers to a postal code. |
levGeoRegion |
Indicates that a level refers to a custom-defined region. |
levGeoStateOrProvince |
Indicates that a level refers to a state or province name. |
levOrgUnit |
Indicates that a level refers to the name of a unit within a larger organization. |
levPerson |
Indicates that a level refers to an individual within a larger organization. |
levProduct |
Indicates that a level refers to an individual product. |
levProductGroup |
Indicates that a level refers to a product group. |
levPromotion |
Indicates that a level refers to a promotion. |
levQuantitative |
Indicates that a level refers to a quantitative member within a quantitative dimension. |
levRegular |
Indicates that the level is not related to time. |
levRepresentative |
Indicates that a level refers to a sales representative. |
levScenario |
Indicates that a level refers to a scenario. |
levTimeDays |
Indicates that a level refers to days. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeHalfYears |
Indicates that a level refers to half-years. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeHours |
Indicates that a level refers to hours. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeMinutes |
Indicates that a level refers to minutes. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeMonths |
Indicates that a level refers to months. Must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeQuarters |
Indicates that a level refers to (calendar) quarters. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeSeconds |
Indicates that a level refers to seconds. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeUndefined |
Indicates that a level refers to an indeterminate or nonstandard measurement of time. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeWeeks |
Indicates that a level refers to weeks. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levTimeYears |
Indicates that a level refers to years. It must be used in a dimension whose type is dimTime. |
levUtility |
Indicates that a level refers to a calculated member in a utility dimension. |