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RDS Methods


Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, RDS server components are no longer included in the Windows operating system (see Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Compatibility Cookbook for more detail). RDS client components will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applications that use RDS should migrate to WCF Data Service.

Method Description
Cancel (RDS) Cancels execution of a pending, asynchronous method call.
CancelUpdate (RDS) Cancels any changes made to the current or new row of a Recordset object.
ConvertToString (RDS) Converts a Recordset to a MIME string that represents the recordset data.
CreateObject (RDS) Creates the proxy for the target business object and returns a pointer to it.
CreateRecordset (RDS) Creates an empty, disconnected Recordset.
Execute Method (RDS) Execute the request and create an advanced data rowset (for use with ADO 2.5 and later).
Execute21 Method (RDS) Execute the request and create an advanced data rowset (for use with ADO 2.1).
InvokeService (RDS) Returns a pointer to the requested interface on a more capable version of the object.
MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious (RDS) Moves to the first, last, next, or previous record in a specified Recordset object.
Query (RDS) Uses a valid SQL query string to return a Recordset.
Refresh (RDS) Requeries the data source specified in the Connect property and updates the query results.
Reset (RDS) Executes the sort or filter on a client-side Recordset, based on the specified sort and filter properties.
SubmitChanges (RDS) Submits pending changes of the locally cached and updatable Recordset to the data source specified in the Connect property.
Synchronize Method (RDS) Synchronize the given recordset with the database specified by the connection string (for use with ADO 2.5 and later).
Synchronize21 Method (RDS) Synchronize the given recordset with the database specified by the connection string (for use with ADO 2.1).