ServerStub - Membres
A base class for objects that can process client object model requests and responses for a corresponding server object type.
Le type ServerStub expose les membres suivants.
Nom | Description | |
ServerStub | Initializes a new instance of the ServerStub class. |
Nom | Description | |
ClientLibraryTargets | ||
CollectionChildItemType | The child item type of the collection. | |
CollectionCreateEntityMethodName | The method will be called to create a new entity in the entity set. For example, suppose this ServerStub object is for a PetCollection class and there is a Create method in the PetCollection class. if the client object POST to the pet collection, the method specified by CollectionCreateEntityMethodName will be called to create a new entity. | |
CollectionIndexerMethodName | The indexer method name. | |
CustomODataPayloadKind | ||
DeleteMethodName | The method that will be called to delete the entity. | |
EntityKeyPropertyNames | The key property names of the entity. | |
ExcludedFromMetadataDocument | ||
FeedCustomWriteSupportInlineCount | ||
HasExpandoFields | Indicates whether the type has expando fields. | |
IgnoreNullPropertiesFromResponse | ||
IsBeta | ||
IsClientObjectCollection | Indicates whether the object is a collection of client object. | |
PatchUpdateMethodName | The method that will be called to update the entity by HTTP PATCH. | |
PutUpdateMethodName | The method that will be called to update the entity by HTTP PUT. | |
ReadStreamMethodName | The method that will be called to read media resource stream associated with the entity. If the entity does not allow media resource stream, null will be returned. | |
TargetBaseType | The base type of the target type. | |
TargetType | The target type for this server stub. For example, if SPWebServerStub is the server stub for SPWeb class, the TargetType() property will be SPWeb. | |
TargetTypeAlias | ||
TargetTypeId | The target type's type id. It is defined in the [ClientNS.ClientCallableAttribute(ServerTypeId="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}")] | |
TargetTypeScriptClientFullName | The type full name for the client proxy. For example, the SPWeb_ServerProxy is the server proxy for SPWeb, it's TargetTypeScriptClientFullName is "SP.Web". | |
WriteStreamMethodName | The method that will be called to write media resource stream associated with the entity. |
Nom | Description | |
CheckBlockedGetProperty | Checks whether the property is blocked by an administrator. | |
CheckBlockedMethod | Checks whether a method is blocked by an administrator. | |
CheckBlockedSetProperty | Checks whether a property set operation is blocked by an administrator. | |
CustomWrite | Customized serialization of the object into OData format. | |
CustomWriteOnePropertyValueAsJson | ||
ExcludeFromDefaultRetrieve | Whether the property is excluded from the default retrieve. When the user invokes clientObject.Retrieve() instead of clientObject.Retrieve("Prop1", "Prop2"), it is default retrieval. For some expensive property, for example, HasUniqueRoleAssignments(), we do not want to include it in the default retrieval. | |
GetArgument(XmlNodeList, Int32) | Used to return an XML node for an argument from a specified list of XML nodes. | |
GetArgument(ClientValueCollection, Int32) | Used to return a ClientValue object for an argument from a specified list of client values. | |
GetEntityTypeFullName | ||
GetExpandoFieldNames | Get the expando field names. The code gen will use ClientCallableTypeAttribute(ExpandoFieldsPropertyName="PropName") to generate code to return the expando field name. For example, for the SPListItem class, ExpandoFieldsPropertyName = "FieldNames" the code gen will generate code like: SPListItem value = obj as SPListItem; if (value != null) { return value.FieldNames; } return null; | |
GetExpandoFieldValue | Get the expando field value. The code gen uses ClientCallableTypeAttribute(GetExpandoFieldValueMethodName = "PropName") to generate code to return the expando field value. For example, for the SPListItem class, we have GetExpandoFieldValueMethodName = "GetFieldValue" the code gen will generate code like: SPListItem value = obj as SPListItem; if (value != null) { return value.GetFieldValue(fieldName); } return null; | |
GetInstanceAnnotation | ||
GetInstanceAnnotationInformations | ||
GetMemberName | Returns a normalized member name given an inputted member name.. | |
GetMethods | Returns a collection of descriptor objects for methods exposed by a type for the client object model protocol. | |
GetObjectETag | Get the ETag of the object. | |
GetObjectIdentity | Get object's identity. An object's identity is some string that could uniquely identify an object on the server. It will be used by the ObjectFactory associated with the target type. For example, an SPUser object identity is 740c6a0b-85e2-48a0-a494-e0f1759d4aa7:site:27047ae4-5d91-48bd-8f65-56b91db34ac6:u:1. It's up to the object factory associated with the target type to parse it. | |
GetObjectUrlPath | Get object's url path. An object's url path is the REST path to access the object. For example, an SPList's url path will be web/lists('11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111') where the guid is the list id. | |
GetObjectVersion | Get the object's versioning information. | |
GetProperties | Returns a collection of descriptor objects for properties exposed by a type for the client object model protocol. | |
GetProperty | Returns a value for a property for an object of the type corresponding to the derived ServerStub implementation. | |
GetRESTfulQueryResult | ||
GetStaticProperty | Get static property. | |
HasProperty | Returns whether a property exists for a derived ServerStub implementation. | |
InvokeConstructor(XmlNodeList, ProxyContext) | Invoke constructor. | |
InvokeConstructor(ClientValueCollection, ProxyContext) | Invoke constructor. | |
InvokeMethod(Object, String, ClientValueCollection, ProxyContext, Boolean) | Invokes a method on an object of the type corresponding to the derived ServerStub implementation using the specified client values as arguments. | |
InvokeMethod(Object, String, XmlNodeList, ProxyContext, Boolean) | Invokes a method on an object of the type corresponding to the derived ServerStub implementation using the specified XML nodes as arguments. | |
InvokeStaticMethod(String, ClientValueCollection, ProxyContext, Boolean) | Invoke static method. | |
InvokeStaticMethod(String, XmlNodeList, ProxyContext, Boolean) | Invoke static method. | |
IsGetPropertyBlocked | Returns whether a property get operation is blocked for use. | |
IsMethodBlocked | Returns whether a method operation is blocked for use. | |
IsSetPropertyBlocked | Returns whether a property set operation is blocked for use. | |
OnChildItemEnumerated | ||
OnQuerying | Called when we retrieve the properties/field from the object. | |
OnRESTfulQuerying | ||
SetProperty(Object, String, ClientValue, ProxyContext) | Sets the value of a property of an object of the type corresponding to the derived ServerStub implementation based on a client value. | |
SetProperty(Object, String, XmlNode, ProxyContext) | Sets the value of a property of an object of the type corresponding to the derived ServerStub implementation based on a node value. | |
SetStaticProperty | Set static property. | |
ShouldCheckObjectVersionForMethod | Whether we should check the object's client versioning against the server versioning when invoke a method. | |
ToString | (Hérité de Object) | |
TryGetObjectFromUrlPathSegment | Try get the object associated with the url path segment after the object. | |
TryWriteToODataWriter | ||
WriteAsJson | Write selected properties. | |
WriteCustomODataPayload | ||
WriteOnePropertyValueAsJson | Writes a property value for an object instance to a JSON stream | |
WritePropertiesAsJson | Emits the state of object properties to a JSON stream. | |
WriteQueryResult | Writes the result of an object query to a JSON stream. |