Présentation de la gestion des enregistrements
Mise à jour : 2008-02-22
In this article:
Before you begin
Create the Records Center site
Connect active document sites to the Records Center site
Configure active document sites for managing records
A record is a document or other electronic or physical entity in an organization that serves as evidence of an activity or transaction performed by the organization and that requires retention for some time period. Records management is the process by which an organization:
Determines what types of information should be considered records.
Determines how active documents that will become records should be handled while they are in use, and determines how they should be collected once they are declared to be records.
Determines in what manner and for how long each record type should be retained to meet legal, business, or regulatory requirements.
Researches and implements technological solutions and business processes to help ensure that the organization complies with its records management obligations in a cost-effective and non-intrusive way.
Performs records-related tasks such as disposing of expired records, or locating and protecting records related to external events such as lawsuits.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes records management features that you can use to help your organization meet its regulatory and legal requirements and manage its corporate knowledge.
This roadmap page provides links to Web articles, white papers, training, blog entries, and tools to help guide you in implementing the records management features of your site based on Office SharePoint Server 2007. The resources presented on this page are organized in the order in which you should implement the records management features of your site:
Create the Records Center site.
Connect active document sites to the Records Center site.
Configure active document sites for records management.
In addition to the resources on this roadmap page, use the following roadmap pages to learn about related features:
Présentation de la gestion des documents
Document management features in Office SharePoint Server 2007 enable you to control the life cycles of active documents in your organization.
Présentation des flux de travail
Workflows implement business processes on documents in Office SharePoint Server 2007.
Before you begin
Before you implement records management by using Office SharePoint Server 2007, review the following overview topics that describe Office SharePoint Server 2007 records management capabilities and the configuration options that are available to site architects, designers, creators, and developers:
Identifier les rôles de gestion des enregistrements (Office SharePoint Server)
Développer le plan de gestion de fichiers (Office SharePoint Server)
Concevoir le site Centre des enregistrements (Office SharePoint Server)
Planification du mode de collecte des enregistrements (Office SharePoint Server)
Planifier la rétention des enregistrements de messages électroniques
Records Center Web service (developer)
Records Center Site Template (developer)
Records Center Site Management (developer)
Record Routing Type Table Overview (developer)
Required Metadata for Record Routing Types (developer)
Record Center File Processing (developer)
Record Routing Type Table Overview (developer)
Custom Records Center Router (developer)
IRouter Interface for Custom Routers (developer)
Custom Router Deployment (developer)
Create the Records Center site
To manage records in Office SharePoint Server 2007, site designers and records managers plan, create, and implement a Records Center site. This site, based on the Records Center site template, contains features you can use to implement your file plan and manage the records while they are being retained.
Implement the Records Center site in the following steps:
Create a Records Center site.
Based on your file plan, create a separate document library to store each type of record.
Define columns in the document libraries to contain and display the record metadata.
Implement information management policies that define retention periods and auditing specifications to help meet your enterprise's regulatory obligations and associate them with document libraries.
Implement the record routing table, which maps each type of record to the appropriate library in the Records Center site.
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An alternative method for implementing the Records Center site is to create content types for each type of record, which include the columns for metadata along with information policies. However, because we recommend that you store a single type of record per document library, it is easier to achieve this by associating columns and information management policies directly with document libraries. |
Create a Records Center site
Use the steps in the following article to create the Records Center site:
Create document libraries
Create a separate document library for each type of record you want to retain. The following resource describes the method for creating document libraries:
Define columns
When a record is sent to the destination document library:
The names and values of each column of metadata associated with it are saved along with the record in an XML file in a hidden _properties folder that is created in the destination library.
The metadata values are copied to matching columns in the destination library.
For each column of metadata for a type of record, define a column in the destination document library that matches the incoming column's name and type. To specify that the column must be submitted along with the record and that it must have a data value associated with it, configure the column to require data. The following resource describes the method for creating columns in document libraries for retaining records:
Implement information management policies
An information management policy is a set of business rules for a type of content. For an introduction to information management policies, see Planifier des stratégies de gestion des informations.
Create a separate site collection information management policy for each set of record types that requires a unique set of policy features. For example, each record that is a contract might require the same set of policy features. Associate each site collection information management policy with the relevant document libraries. The following resources describe the methods for creating site collection information management policies and associating them with document libraries:
Create an information management policy for a site collection
Specify information management policies for a list, library, or list content type
Implement the record routing table
The record routing table is a list in the Records Center site that lists each type of record that might be submitted to the Records Center site and specifies the library in which to store it. When files are submitted to the Records Center site, this list is used to route the incoming file and its metadata to its proper location. The following resources describe methods for configuring the record routing table:
Add records to the Record Routing list (information worker)
Custom Records Center Router (developer)
IRouter Interface for Custom Routers (developer)
IRouter Interface (developer)
Connect active document sites to the Records Center site
A server farm running Office SharePoint Server 2007 can connect to a single Records Center site. For more information, see the following resources:
Records Center Site Management (developer)
Configure active document sites for records management
After you connect a server farm running Office SharePoint Server 2007 to a Records Center site, you can configure active document sites to submit records (documents and other items) to the Records Center site from the Office SharePoint Server 2007 user interface or by using a custom solution, such as a workflow developed by using the Office SharePoint Server 2007 object model. For more information, see the following resources:
Ajouter une colonne à un type de contenu pour les enregistrements
Ajouter une fonctionnalité de stratégie d’expiration à un type de contenu
Ajouter un flux de travail à un type de contenu pour les enregistrements
Records Center Web Service (developer)
Record Routing Type Table Overview (developer)
Download this book
This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:
See the full list of available books at Downloadable books for Office SharePoint Server 2007.
Voir aussi
Présentation de la gestion des documents
Présentation des flux de travail
Autres ressources
Streamlining Records Management Using SharePoint Server 2007 Workflow