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Attachment members

The Attachment type represents an attachment to a EmailMessage object.

The Attachment type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AttachmentType The AttachmentType property gets or sets a valid AttachmentType value that specifies whether the attachment is inline with the message contents or a regular attachment.
Public property ContentType The ContentType property gets a value that specifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) content type of the attachment.
Public property EmbeddedMessage The EmbeddedMessage property gets or sets a value that specifies the EmailMessage embedded in the attachment.
Public property FileName The FileName property gets or sets the file name for the attachment.
Public property IsOleAttachment The IsOleAttachment property gets a value that indicates whether the attachment is an OLE object.
Public property MimePart The MimePart property gets the MimePart for the attachment.



  Name Description
Public method GetContentReadStream The GetContentReadStream method gets a readable stream that contains the contents of the attachment without content transfer encoding.
Public method GetContentWriteStream The GetContentWriteStream method gets a stream into which you can write new content.
Public method GetHashCode The GetHashCode method gets the hash code for the attachment. (Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public method TryGetContentReadStream The TryGetContentReadStream method gets a readable stream that contains the contents of the attachment.


See also


Attachment class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Email namespace