Partager via

Name Property

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Gets or sets the name of the parameter being configured. Read/write.


ASP.NET markup: <speech:Param Name="..." />
Get value: String = Param.Name;
Set value: Param.Name = String;
Data type: String
Required: No


Name is currently defined to have two values.

Value Used in Description
Server Reco Specifies a speech recognition server. The value of Name is the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the server.
Default: https://localhost (client) and registry setting (Telephony Application Services).
nbest Reco Specifies the number of recognitions to be returned in recognition results.
Server DialogPrompt Specifies a speech prompt server. The value of Name is the URI of the server.
Default: https://localhost (client) and registry setting (Telephony Application Services).
BargeInType DialogPrompt Specifies the type of recognition event that may cause the browser to raise an onbargein event. There are three values of BargeInType: speech, grammar and final.
Default: speech.
BargeInType Dtmf The Microsoft Speech Application Platform does not define a behavior. Subsequent releases may include new values. Other manufacturer's platforms may define their own values; see the manufacturer's documentation for exact details.
No default.


<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
  <speech:QA runat="server" id="QADest" >
    <Prompt InlinePrompt="Please select a destination city" ID="Prompt1">
          <speech:Param Name="bargeintype">final</speech:Param>
      <speech:Answer SemanticItem="siDest" ID="AnsDest" XPathTrigger="/SML/CITY">

    <Reco InitialTimeout="3000" BabbleTimeout="10000"
        EndSilence="1000" MaxTimeout="30000" Reject="0.5" >
        <speech:Grammar Type="application/srgs+xml" Lang="en-US"
          Src="Grammars/Cities.grxml" >


See Also

Param Class | Param Constructor | Param Members | Param Properties | Param Methods | Param Events | Param Remarks