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Confirm Name QA Inputs and Responses

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

The following table lists all possible user inputs and Contacts application responses for this Speech Control.

In this table, contact name represents the name of a contact, and service request is "address," "e-mail," "office (number)," "call," or "phone."

User Input to Confirm Name QA Application Response
Help "Please confirm or correct me. Am I right with contact name?"
Repeat "Am I right with contact name?"
1st Silence "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Am I right with contact name?"
1st Mumble "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. Am I right with contact name?"
2nd Silence or Mumble "I'm sorry, my fault again. Am I right with contact name?"
3rd Silence or Mumble "I'm sorry I'm having so much trouble. Transferring you to an operator." This prompt ends the demonstration, and the application stops running.
No Application returns to the Get Name QA and asks: "Who would you like to contact?"
Yes If the user's response to the initial question "Who would you like to contact?" is simply contact name, the input "yes" confirms the contact's name. Having confirmed the contact name, the application prompts, "Please select postal address, e-mail, office number, or phone."

If the user's response to the initial question "Who would you like to contact?" is service request contact name, the input "yes" confirms only the contact's name. After confirming the contact name, the application automatically performs a database query for the requested service data and makes a response based on the result of that query.