Using the Project Wizard to Add a Prompt Project
Use the Speech Web Application Project Wizard to add a prompt project containing a prompts database to a new project.
File Names
- The default prompt project name incorporates the solution name in the format <solution_name>Prompts.
- The default prompt database name is Prompts.promptdb.
File Paths
The Project Wizard sets the path for the prompt project to \Documents and Settings\<user>\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\<speech project>\<prompt project>.
To add a prompt project
- In Visual Studio .NET 2003, select New on the File menu, and then click Project.
- In the New Project dialog box, select either Visual C# or Visual Basic in the Project Type pane, click Speech Web Application in the Templates pane, enter a meaningful name for the project in the Location box, and then click OK.
- In the Speech Web Application Project Wizard, click Application Resources in the left pane.
- To add the prompt project, click Create new prompt project; or, to choose to not add the prompt project, clear the check box.
Note The wizard uses the file name specified here to add a corresponding entry to the application manifest file. For more information, see the topic Manifest File Elements.
See Also
Creating a New Application | Managing Application Resources | Supporting non-English Resources