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DataTableNavigator Properties for French (Canada)

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage
Public Properties Description
AccessKey Inherited from WebControl.
AccessMode Gets or sets the setting of a parameter that controls the behavior of the control when the user selects a data item.
AllowCommands Gets or sets the AllowCommands property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
Attributes Inherited from WebControl.
AutoPostBack Gets or sets whether a control will post back to the server before moving on to the next Speech Control in the dialog. Declared by WebControl.
BabbleTimeout Gets or sets the BabbleTimeout property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
BackColor Inherited from WebControl.
BargeIn Gets or sets the BargeIn property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
BorderColor Inherited from WebControl.
BorderStyle Inherited from WebControl.
BorderWidth Inherited from WebControl.
ClientActivationFunction Gets or sets the ClientActivationFunction property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
ClientID Inherited from Control.
Columns Gets or sets the collection of templates that are used by the control.
CommandRules Gets a collection of CommandRule objects that can enable, disable or redefine the navigation commands of the control.
ConfirmRejectThreshold Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which a confirmation is rejected. Declared by ApplicationControl.
ConfirmThreshold Gets or sets the minimum level of recognition confidence necessary to mark an item as confirmed. Declared by ApplicationControl.
ContentTemplate Gets or sets the name of the template that defines how the contents are played.
ControlStyle Inherited from WebControl.
ControlStyleCreated Inherited from WebControl.
Controls Inherited from Control.
CssClass Inherited from WebControl.
DataBindField Gets or sets the field of the DataSource property that provides the binding values of the table items.
DataContentFields Gets or sets the text of the content fields of the control.
DataHeaderFields Gets or sets the text of the header fields of the control.
DataMember Gets or sets a data member from a multimember DataSource object.
DataSource Gets or sets the source of values that are used by the DataTableNavigator control.
DataTextField Gets or sets the field of the DataSource property that provides the grammar for each item in the list.
DisableColumnNavigation Gets or sets whether column navigation will be performed.
EnableViewState Inherited from Control.
Enabled Inherited from WebControl.
EndSilence Gets or sets the EndSilence property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
FirstInitialTimeout Gets or sets the FirstInitialTimeout property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
Font Inherited from WebControl.
ForeColor Inherited from WebControl.
GrammarTemplate Gets or sets the name of a grammar template that is used to load the recognition grammar.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the name of the template that defines how the headers are played.
Height Inherited from WebControl.
InitialTimeout Gets or sets the InitialTimeout property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
MaxTimeout Gets or sets the MaxTimeout property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
NamingContainer Inherited from Control.
OnClientActive Gets or sets the OnClientActive property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OnClientActiveFirst Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called on activation of the first QA control in the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OnClientComplete Gets or sets the OnClientComplete property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OnClientCompleteLast Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called on completion of the last QA control in the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OnClientListening Gets or sets the OnClientListening property of QA controls that are created by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OptionalPostAnswerRule Gets or sets the name of the rule in the optional grammar that contains phrases used after providing an answer. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OptionalPostConfirmRule Gets or sets the name of the rule in the optional grammar that contains phrases used after providing a correction. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OptionalPreAnswerRule Gets or sets the name of the rule in the optional grammar that contains phrases used before providing an answer. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OptionalPreConfirmRule Gets or sets the name of the rule in the optional grammar that contains phrases used before providing a correction. Declared by ApplicationControl.
OptionalRulesGrammarUrl Gets or sets the URL for the optional grammar. Declared by ApplicationControl.
Page Inherited from Control.
Parent Inherited from Control.
PromptDatabase Gets or sets the name of the prompt database. Declared by ApplicationControl.
PromptSelectFunction Gets or sets the PromptSelectFunction property of QA controls that are created by the DataTableNavigator control.
QuestionPrompt Gets or sets the text of the initial question to be played by the control. Declared by ApplicationControl.
RejectThreshold Gets or sets the confidence level at or below which a recognition is rejected. Declared by ApplicationControl.
SemanticItem Gets or sets the ID of the SemanticItem control that receives the value of the chosen item.
ShortInitialTimeout Gets or sets the time, in milliseconds, before the OnSilence event is raised.
Site Inherited from Control.
SpeechIndex Gets or sets the activation order of the control, relative to other Speech Controls on the page. Declared by IndexedSpeechControl.
Style Inherited from WebControl.
TabIndex Inherited from WebControl.
TemplateSourceDirectory Inherited from Control.
ToolTip Inherited from WebControl.
UniqueID Inherited from Control.
Visible Inherited from Control.
Width Inherited from WebControl.
Protected Properties Description
ChildControlsCreated Inherited from Control.
Context Inherited from Control.
Events Inherited from Control.
HasChildViewState Inherited from Control.
IsTrackingViewState Inherited from Control.
TagKey Inherited from WebControl.
TagName Inherited from WebControl.
ViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewStateIgnoresCase Inherited from Control.

See Also

DataTableNavigator Class | DataTableNavigator Constructor | DataTableNavigator Client Object | DataTableNavigator Members | DataTableNavigator Methods | DataTableNavigator Events | DataTableNavigator Remarks