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Membres ISsoProvider (Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignon)

Represents a single sign-on (SSO) provider. Can be implemented to replace the default SSO provider.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type ISsoProvider .

Méthodes publiques

  Nom Description
Méthode publique GetApplicationDefinitions Gets a list of enterprise application definitions defined for this single sign-on (SSO) provider.
Méthode publique GetApplicationFields Gets the credential fields from the enterprise application definition for the specified application.
Méthode publique GetApplicationInfo  
Méthode publique GetCredentialManagementURL Gets the URL for managing credentials for the specified application.
Méthode publique GetCredentials Gets the single sign-on (SSO) credentials for the specified application identifier.
Méthode publique GetCredentialsUsingTicket Returns the credentials for the specified ticket and the specified application identifier.
Méthode publique GetCurrentUser Gets the current user from the current HTTP request. If the request is authenticated with Windows authentication, this returns a UPN (user principal name).
Méthode publique GetRestrictedCredentials Returns the single sign-on credentials for the specified application.
Méthode publique GetSsoProviderInfo Returns the provider information.
Méthode publique GetTicket Returns a ticket that can be used later to retrieve credentials.
Méthode publique PutIdentityOnRequest Puts the appropriate identity using the policy of the specified application on the outbound HTTP request.
Méthode publique PutIdentityOnRequestUsingTicket Puts the appropriate identity using the policy of the specified application on the outbound HTTP request using the ticket.

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Voir aussi


ISsoProvider, interface
Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.SingleSignon, espace de noms