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Membres LocationConfiguration (Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration)

Contains the configuration information for a federated search location.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type LocationConfiguration .

Constructeurs publics

  Nom Description
Méthode publique LocationConfiguration Surchargé.  

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Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique AdminDescription Specifies the description of the federated search location. This corresponds to the Description element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique AllowedSiteCollectionGuids Contains a collection of strings that specify the site GUIDs that are permitted to use this federated search location. This collection corresponds to the AllowedSiteCollectionGuids element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique AllowedSiteCollectionUrls Contains a collection of strings that specify the site URLs that are permitted to use this federated search location.
Propriété publique AuthInfo A structure that contains authentication information for this federated search location.
Propriété publique Author Contains the author of this federated search location.
Propriété publique ConnectionUrlTemplate The query template that specifies how to pass search queries to an OpenSearch location’s URL. This corresponds to the ConnectionUrlTemplate element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique CreationDate The creation date of the federated search location. This date corresponds to the CreationDate element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique FullVisualization Réservé à une utilisation future.
Propriété publique InternalName Specifies a unique name to identify the federated search location. This name corresponds to the InternalName element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique IsDeletable Gets a value that specifies whether the location can be deleted. Only some preinstalled locations cannot be deleted. All other locations can be deleted, and this value cannot be changed.
Propriété publique IsPrefixPattern Specifies whether the value in the QueryReformatPattern member is for a prefix match. This corresponds to the IsPrefixPattern element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique IsRestrictedLocation Specifies whether there are any restrictions on the sites that can use this federated search location. This corresponds to the IsRestricted element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique KindsOfResults Réservé à une utilisation future.
Propriété publique Languages A list of CultureInfo objects that specify the languages for the federated search location.
Propriété publique LastModifiedDate Specifies the last date of modification by the search administration component.
Propriété publique MoreLinkTemplate Link template that specifies the federated search location URL of the HTML page that displays results for the search query. This template corresponds to the MoreLinkTemplate element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique Name Specifies the display name for the federated search location.
Propriété publique ProxyUrl Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et il n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.
Propriété publique QueryReformatPattern A string containing a pattern that a query must match to trigger a search on the federated location.
Propriété publique QueryRestriction A string containing a semicolon-delimited list that specifies the start addresses of URL domains that can use this location.
Propriété publique SummaryVisualization A Visualization object that specifies the summary display format for the federated search location results.
Propriété publique TopAnswerVisualization A Visualization object that specifies the top answer display format for the federated search location results.
Propriété publique Type Specifies the type of federated search location. This corresponds to the LocationType element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique Version Specifies the location definition version. This corresponds to the Version element of the OpenSearchDescription of the federated location definition file.
Propriété publique Visualizations A Dictionary object specifying the Visualization objects associated with the federated location. Each key is a string that specifies the name of the Visualization, and each value is a Visualization object.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Export Generates the XML that contains the information for the federated location and places it into the specified stream.
Méthode publique ExportToXml Generates an XML file that contains the information for the federated location.
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Import Updates a federated location's configuration from XML.
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique ToString  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Update Updates the federated search location configuration.

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)

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Voir aussi


LocationConfiguration, classe
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration, espace de noms