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Removes a user table from the workflow schema registry along with any related tables. Exists in the workflow-enabled database.
[@TableID =] 'id',
[@Cascade =] 'cascade'
- [@TableID =] 'id'
Table ID. - [@Cascade =] 'cascade'
When True, removes all dependent workflow-enabled tables. When False, an error appears indicating the list of dependent tables.
This process also removes any related workflow tables and permissions tables. All field entries for this table in the modColumns table are deleted. If the cascade parameter is True and the table has child tables, this process applies recursively to those tables as well. For dependent tables, the procedure returns either the list of those objects for you to remove (cascade = False) or removes the objects (cascade = True).
The following example removes the Category table and all dependent tables:
EXEC modRemoveTable 'Category'
See Also
Stored Procedures | Workflow Application Infrastructure | ModSystem Database Tables | Workflow-Enabled Database Tables | Views