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OnChange Event

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Triggered by saving an item.



  • To permit edits or updates of items in a workflow-enabled folder, there must be at least one OnChange event included in your workflow process. If a state does not have a OnChange event or if the condition expression for the OnChange event returns False, items currently in that state cannot be edited or changed in any way.
  • Each state can have multiple OnChange events.
  • If you have multiple Change events on a state, adjust the event order (Exchange Workflow Only), so the transitions are evaluated in the order appropriate for your workflow process. The first Change event whose validation function returns true will be the Change event that is triggered. If you want to allow edits without changing the state, then use the transition within tool to create a change transition exiting and entering the same state. Note that Change events of this type should always be evaluated last. If you have multiple Change events on a particular state, you will need to modify the OnChangeValidate functions so that they evaluate particular conditions and only return True when appropriate. If you have an OnChangeValidation function that returns True all the time, you should place that OnChange event last in the evaluation order. Evaluation order is set on the State Property Page Transition tab.

See Also

Event Order | Exchange Workflow Reference | Event Types | ActionTable Property | OnCreate Event | OnDelete Event | OnEnter Event | OnExit Event | OnExpiry Event | OnReceive Event