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Working with Strings as Arrays

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It might be hard to believe, but some of the most exciting features in Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft® Office XP are the functions for working with strings as arrays. These functions can turn once-lengthy string-manipulation procedures into just a few lines of code. And in many cases, they're faster than using loops and string-parsing techniques to work with the contents of a very large string.

In This Section

  • The Split Function
    Use the Split function to take a string and convert it into an array of strings.
  • The Join Function
    Use the Join function to concatenate the elements of the array together into a single string.
  • The Filter Function
    Search a string array for all elements that match a given text string using one of three arguments — a string array, a string containing the text to find, or a constant specifying the string-comparison method