Search Results Window (Code Librarian Viewer)
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.
This window displays the results of a query you perform and makes it possible for you to select a code item easily. These results remain until a new search is performed, the library is closed, or a new library is opened. The Search Results window is blank until you perform your first query.
Select the code item that you want to view from the list. That code item's text appears in the Code window. You can copy the code by dragging the code item from this window and dropping it in another text editor, such as WordPad or the Microsoft Office XP Developer code editor. A library item cannot be moved from its original location from this view.
- Library Items
Displays the name of the library item. - Category
Displays the category name of the library item. - Type
Displays the type of the library item. - Description
Displays the description of the library item.
See Also
Code Librarian Viewer | Code Librarian Viewer Explorer | Code Librarian Viewer Code Window | Find in Code Librarian Viewer