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Registration Errors

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

You receive registration errors when you do not have the required permissions on the Exchange folder or the server is not operating correctly.

Unable to register the workflow sink for Exchange folder

Unable to register the workflow sink for Exchange folder <folder name>. This could be due to the folder having been deleted, a network problem, a permissions problem, or Exchange 2000 Server not running properly on the server. Verify the server you selected is working correctly and the specified folder exists, and then try again.

Unable to unregister the workflow sink for Exchange folder

Unable to unregister the workflow sink for Exchange folder <folder name>. This could be due to the folder having been deleted, a network problem, a permissions problem, or Exchange 2000 Server not running properly on the server. Verify the server you selected is working correctly and the specified folder exists, and then try again.

Cannot Create New Exchange Workflow Project in Selected Location

Each Exchange Public folder can contain only one Exchange Workflow Project (*.EPWs).

If you receive this message while creating a new project, then change the URL for the project to point to a different Public folder. If you receive this message while trying to save a copy of a project into a folder, you must first delete the existing *.epw before copying a different project file. You do not have to delete any workflow processes (*.wfds) to create a new or copy an existing project file into the Public folder.

To solve these problems

  • Make sure the Exchange server is running.
  • Make sure you have owner permissions on the folder, which is required to register and to unregister workflow processes. Contact your Exchange Server administrator to change folder permissions.
  • Check the server event log for possible details about the error.
  • Check to see if the folder still exists.

No Supported Version of the Dashboard Installed

The server you have selected does not have a supported version of the dashboard installed. Select a different server or update the server with a supported version and try again.

See Also

Troubleshooting Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Finding Errors Using the Event Viewer | Error Messages