More Accessibility Information
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.
Other products, services, and resources are available from Microsoft and other organizations.
Additional Microsoft Products and Services for People with Disabilities
For more information, contact:
Microsoft Sales Information Center One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6393 |
World Wide Web: Voice telephone: Text telephone: | (800) 426-9400 (800) 892-5234 |
Directories of Computer Products That Help People with Disabilities
The Trace R&D Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison produces a book and a compact disc describing products that help people with disabilities use computers. The book, titled Trace ResourceBook, provides descriptions and photographs of about 2,000 products. The compact disc, titled CO-NET CD, provides a database of more than 18,000 products and other information for people with disabilities. It is issued twice a year.
To obtain these directories, contact:
Trace R&D Center University of Wisconsin S-151 Waisman Center 1500 Highland Avenue Madison, WI 53705-2280 |
World Wide Web: Fax: | (608) 262-8848 |
Referrals to Assistive Technology Programs and Trained Evaluators
For general information and recommendations on how computers can help specific requirements, you should consult a trained evaluator. An assistive technology program in your area will provide referrals to programs and services that are available to you.
To locate the assistive technology program nearest you, contact:
National Information System University of South Carolina Center for Developmental Disabilities Columbia, SC 29208 |
Voice/text telephone: Fax: |
(803) 935-5231 (803) 935-5059 |
See Also
Accessibility for People with Disabilities | Microsoft Services for People Who are Deaf or Hard-Of-Hearing | Microsoft Documentation in Alternative Formats | Third-Party Utilities to Enhance Accessibility | Customizing Windows or Windows NT | Microsoft Office XP Developer Product-Specific Accessibility Information