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Creating an Answer Wizard Index to Display Custom Help Topics from the Office Assistant

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If you purchased Office XP Developer or the Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit, you can use the Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder available with the Answer Wizard SDK to create a custom Answer Wizard index with references to your custom Help topics. When this custom Answer Wizard index is installed with your application, if a user asks a question that applies to your application, your custom Help topics will be displayed along with those built-in Help topics returned by the Office Assistant. This way of integrating Help topics is most appropriate for Office applications that are deployed as add-ins. For information about the Answer Wizard SDK, see the Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit or Office XP Developer.

The Microsoft Office XP object library provides methods for the AnswerWizard and AnswerWizardFiles objects that allow developers to control when a custom Answer Wizard index is used by the Office Assistant to return custom Help topics. For information about these objects and methods, search the Microsoft Office Visual Basic Reference Help index for "AnswerWizard object" and "AnswerWizardFiles object."

See Also

Using the Office Assistant to Display Help | Displaying Help Topics from an Office Assistant Balloon | Using the Assistant with Access Run-Time Applications