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SharedWorkspaceTask Members

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The SharedWorkspaceTask object represents a task in a shared document workspace.

The SharedWorkspaceTask type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the container application for the object.
Public property AssignedTo Returns or sets the SharedWorkspaceMember to whom the task is assigned.
Public property CreatedBy Returns the friendly name of the member who created the shared workspace object.
Public property CreatedDate Returns the date and time when the shared workspace object was created.
Public property Creator (Inherited from _IMsoDispObj.)
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Public property Description Returns or sets a descriptive String value for the specified SharedWorkspaceTask object.
Public property DueDate Returns or sets the optional due date and time of a SharedWorkspaceTask object.
Public property ModifiedBy Returns the name of the user who last modified the object.
Public property ModifiedDate Returns the date and time when the shared workspace object was last modified.
Public property Parent Returns the Parent object for the specified object.
Public property Priority Returns or sets the status of the specified shared workspace task.
Public property Status Returns or sets the status of the specified shared workspace task.
Public property Title Returns or sets the title of a SharedWorkspaceTask object.



  Name Description
Public method Delete Deletes the current object.
Public method Save Uploads changes made programmatically to a SharedWorkspaceTask to the server.


See Also


SharedWorkspaceTask Interface

Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace