ResourceAssignmentDataSet.ResourceAssignmentDataTable Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents resources assigned to specific tasks.
The ResourceAssignmentDataSet.ResourceAssignmentDataTable type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ResourceAssignmentDataSet.ResourceAssignmentDataTable() | Creates an instance of the ResourceAssignmentDataTable class. | |
ResourceAssignmentDataSet.ResourceAssignmentDataTable(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates an instance of the ResourceAssignmentDataTable class by using separate parameters. |
Name | Description | |
ASSN_ACT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_COST field. | |
ASSN_ACT_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_FINISH field. | |
ASSN_ACT_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_OVT_COST field. | |
ASSN_ACT_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_OVT_WORK field. | |
ASSN_ACT_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_START field. | |
ASSN_ACT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACT_WORK field. | |
ASSN_ACWPColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ACWP field. | |
ASSN_BASE_COST_PER_USEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BASE_COST_PER_USE field. | |
ASSN_BASE_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BASE_COST field. | |
ASSN_BASE_FINISHColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BASE_FINISH field. | |
ASSN_BASE_STARTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BASE_START field. | |
ASSN_BASE_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BASE_WORK field. | |
ASSN_BCWPColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BCWP field. | |
ASSN_BCWSColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BCWS field. | |
ASSN_BOOKING_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_BOOKING_TYPE field. | |
ASSN_COST_RATE_TABLEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_COST_RATE_TABLE field. | |
ASSN_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_COST field. | |
ASSN_DELAY_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_DELAY_FMT field. | |
ASSN_DELAYColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_DELAY field. | |
ASSN_DEMAND_REQColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_DEMAND_REQ field. | |
ASSN_ENTSUMPROJIDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_ENTSUMPROJID field. | |
ASSN_FINISH_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_FINISH_DATE field. | |
ASSN_FINISH_VARColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_FINISH_VAR field. | |
ASSN_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS field. | |
ASSN_IS_CONFIRMEDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_IS_CONFIRMED field. | |
ASSN_IS_OVERALLOCATEDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_IS_OVERALLOCATED field. | |
ASSN_LEVELING_DELAYColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_LEVELING_DELAY field. | |
ASSN_MATERIAL_RATE_FMTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_MATERIAL_RATE_FMT field. | |
ASSN_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_OVT_COST field. | |
ASSN_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_OVT_WORK field. | |
ASSN_PARENT_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_PARENT_UID field. | |
ASSN_PCT_WORK_COMPLETEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_PCT_WORK_COMPLETE field. | |
ASSN_REG_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_REG_WORK field. | |
ASSN_REM_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_REM_COST field. | |
ASSN_REM_OVT_COSTColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_REM_OVT_COST field. | |
ASSN_REM_OVT_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_REM_OVT_WORK field. | |
ASSN_REM_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_REM_WORK field. | |
ASSN_RES_TYPEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_RES_TYPE field. | |
ASSN_RESPONSE_PENDINGColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_RESPONSE_PENDING field. | |
ASSN_RESUME_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_RESUME_DATE field. | |
ASSN_START_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_START_DATE field. | |
ASSN_START_VARColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_START_VAR field. | |
ASSN_STOP_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_STOP_DATE field. | |
ASSN_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_UID field. | |
ASSN_UNITSColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_UNITS field. | |
ASSN_UPDATE_NEEDEDColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_UPDATE_NEEDED field. | |
ASSN_WORK_CONTOURColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_WORK_CONTOUR field. | |
ASSN_WORKColumn | Defines the column for the ASSN_WORK field. | |
CaseSensitive | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ChildRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Columns | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Constraints | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Container | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Count | Gets the number of row objects in the ResourceAssignmentDataTable. | |
CREATED_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the CREATED_DATE field. | |
DataSet | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DefaultView | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
DesignMode | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
DisplayExpression | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Events | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
ExtendedProperties | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IsInitialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Item | Gets a row object in the ResourceAssignmentDataTable, where the row is specified by an index. | |
Locale | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
MinimumCapacity | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Namespace | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ParentRelations | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Prefix | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PrimaryKey | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
PROJ_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_NAME field. | |
PROJ_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the PROJ_UID field. | |
RemotingFormat | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RES_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the RES_NAME field. | |
RES_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the RES_UID field. | |
Rows | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Site | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableName | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TASK_IS_SUMMARYColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_IS_SUMMARYfield. | |
TASK_NAMEColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_NAME field. | |
TASK_UIDColumn | Defines the column for the TASK_UID field. | |
WASSN_COMMENTSColumn | Defines the column for the WASSN_COMMENTS field. | |
WASSN_NOTE_STATUSColumn | Defines the column for the WASSN_NOTE_STATUS field. | |
WASSN_SEND_UPDATE_DATEColumn | Defines the column for the WASSN_SEND_UPDATE_DATE field. |
Name | Description | |
ColumnChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ColumnChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
Disposed | (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.) | |
Initialized | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
ResourceAssignmentRowChanged | Post-event that occurs after a row is changed. | |
ResourceAssignmentRowChanging | Pre-event that occurs before a row is changed. | |
ResourceAssignmentRowDeleted | Post-event that occurs after a row is deleted. | |
ResourceAssignmentRowDeleting | Pre-event that occurs before a row is deleted. | |
RowChanged | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowChanging | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleted | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
RowDeleting | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableCleared | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableClearing | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
TableNewRow | (Inherited from DataTable.) |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
BuildChainedIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
BuildIndex<TKey> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
GetTemporaryColumnName | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) | |
HasColumn | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) |
Name | Description | |
fInitInProgress | (Inherited from DataTable.) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
IListSource.ContainsListCollection | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IListSource.GetList | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.GetSchema | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.ReadXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) | |
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml | (Inherited from DataTable.) |