BusinessCardView.Reset Method (Outlook)
Resets a built-in Microsoft Outlook view to its original settings.
Version Information
Version Added: Outlook 2007
expression .Reset
expression An expression that returns a BusinessCardView object.
This method works only on built-in Outlook views.
The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example resets all built-in views in the user's Inbox default folder to their original settings. The Standard property is returned to determine if the view is a built-in Outlook view.
Sub ResetInboxViews()
Dim objName As NameSpace
Dim objViews As Views
Dim objView As View
' Get the Views collection of the Inbox default folder.
Set objName = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objViews = objName.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Views
' Enumerate the Views collection, calling the Reset
' method for each View object with its Standard
' property value set to True.
For Each objView In objViews
If objView.Standard = True Then
End If
Next objView
End Sub